In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George share their experiences from the Eucharistic Congress. Father George attended and reflects on some of the formative encounters and joys of the event. Fr. Rob shares an insightful reflection from a...
Catholic Church
Is It A Mortal Sin To Leave The Catholic Church?
You may have heard that the largest religious group in America is the “nones,” those without a religious affiliation. In January of 2024, Pew Research stated that 28% of US adults are religiously unaffiliated. Of those, many are commonly called “fallen away”...
Lessons From The Underground Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia
In my new book, When the Sickle Swings: Stories of Catholics Who Survived Communist Oppression, I document the testimonies of heroic Catholics who kept the faith despite persecution by hostile regimes the world over. I was privileged to interview survivors of...
Habemus Papam: Episode 234 – Innocent X
Innocent X: The Peace of Westphalia and the Jansenist Controversy. In this episode of Habemus Papam, Fr. Conrad discusses Pope Innocent X, who succeeded Pope Urban VIII–What the Barberians didn't do to Rome, the Barbarinis did. You can listen to the podcast about him...
Fr. Rob – Post COVID-19 Church
Fr. Rob shares his thoughts on life after a post COVID Church and how the Church adapted to COVID-19.
Is The Catholic Church A Cult?
What is a Cult? – In Modern Terms “Cult” is not a useful term in modern terms. It does not have a specific meaning but is usually used in a pejorative sense. A cult, in modern terms, is a particular religious group that is...
Habemus Papam: Episode 217 – Clement VII
“The most unfortunate of the popes”, the Sack of Rome, the Split with England, and a waffling indecisive Pope.
Habemus Papam: Episode 215 – Leo X
“Since God has given us the papacy, let us enjoy it.” Oh and a guy named Martin Luther and the Protestant Revolution.
Can St. Irenaeus Prove That The Catholic Church Was The Original Church?
Irenaeus was a 2nd-century bishop of Lyons in modern-day France. He knew Polycarp, who was a disciple of the Apostle John. He, therefore, serves as a significant witness to the early Church’s development, especially as it was consolidating itself against divergent...
7 Latino Stereotypes In The Catholic Church
Did you know at least 63% of Catholics under 18 and more than half of those in their twenties in the US are Hispanic? Latinos are the reason that the Church is still roughly a quarter of American Catholics this year, the same as it was in the 1970s. The harsh...
What Today’s Church Can Learn From St. Gregory The Great
Who is St. Gregory the Great? Gregory was the son of a wealthy Sicilian who owned large estates in Sicily and a mansion in Rome. It is reported that Gregory was the best student of grammar, logic, and dialectic in the city of Rome and also did a course in legal...
50 Reasons To Be Catholic
The world will attempt to give you infinite reasons not to be Catholic, but in reality, there are infinite reasons to be Catholic. Here are only fifty brief reasons for us Catholics to remember when we are tempted to give in to negativity: 1. ...
10 Interesting Facts That You Probably Didn’t Know About The Catholic Church
"You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every...
14 Of The Most Beautiful Catholic Churches In The World
Non-believers often challenge Catholics by asking them why so much money is spent on Church buildings instead of being given to people who are starving to death throughout the world. What many fail to realize is that throughout history, the Catholic Church has...
To Prevent Future Scandal In The Catholic Church, Catholics Must Promote Church Teachings
With recent news exposing the Catholic Church’s cover-up of the sexual abuse of over 1,000 minors in Pennsylvania and mishandling of the abusive Cardinal Theodore McCarrick—which allegedly worked its way up to Pope Francis himself—Catholics worldwide are demanding...
8 Tips For Introducing Millennials And Gen Z To The Beauty Of Catholicism
Step into most Catholic churches these days and you will quickly notice that the number of "gray hairs" is greater than the number of young adults, young families, and teens. Is the Catholic Church dying? It might appear that way, but in several areas of the...
4 Ways To Combat The Secular Storm On College Campuses
America has seen an incredible cultural shift in the past decade. In 2007, Catholics (23.9%), Evangelical Protestants (26.3%), and Mainline Protestants (18.1%) all made up a larger percentage of the population than “the nones,” or those with no religious affiliation...
What Does The Catholic Church Teach About Immigration And Border Walls?
How does the Catholic Church feel about immigration, refugees, and border walls? We have a few resources that will help you grow in your understanding of Catholic Social teaching. What Does the Catholic Church Teach About Immigration and Border Walls? 1. We start with...
10 Simple Ways To Bring Your Children Closer To God
Being parents makes us responsible not only for taking care of our children, but also for the spiritual education we give them from the moment they are conceived. For this reason, I want to share with you 10 simple ways to help our children grow closer to God. “Do we...
Luther, The Reformation, And How To Respond To Your Protestant Friends
Let's start with the essential question: What was the Protestant Reformation? It was a religious movement that began at the start of the 16th century. It caused a lasting rupture in the Catholic unity that had characterized the medieval western society. It also led to...
If the Vatican Has so Much Money, Why Doesn’t It…? 7 Things To Know About The Finances Of The Church
Like every good Catholic, surely you have had to explain the Pope, the Virginity of Mary, priestly celibacy, and refute the nonsense that appears in tabloids and on TV—which includes everything from claiming Jesus had children to conspiracy theories about the worldly...
Why You Should You Get Married In The Catholic Church?
With so many options nowadays, the humble church building can be the last place that is considered for a wedding. We asked 7 couples why they chose to get married in a Catholic Church. These answers, ranging from the comprehensive to the short-and-sweet, are honest,...
Trouble Understanding The Mass? Here’s A Simple Explanation
The Mass is the sacrifice of Christ. He offered Himself once and forever on the cross. The Mass is the center of our Christian life and the thanks offering we present to God for His great love toward us. It is not another sacrifice. It is not a repetition. It is the...
(Quiz) What Does the Catholic Church Really Teach About Marriage?
There’s a lot of talk these days about the definition of marriage and what the Catholic Church teaches on marriage. As Catholics, we must be equipped with knowledge in order to stand for truth. Because of the nature of this quiz, you will find direct quotes from the...
Celebrating International Women’s Day: The Most Influential Catholic Women of our Times
This March 8th, the world celebrates International Women´s Day. We celebrate the struggle of countless women whose efforts have secured for women of today the right to higher education, the right to vote, rights on the participation of the political life of the...