Should Catholics do yoga? This is a hotly debated question that provokes a wide variety of answers, ranging from people who are unconvinced that Christians have any worries whatsoever to those who are concerned that specific movements may open a door to the demonic....
The word apologetics come from the Greek meaning “to explain and defend.” Catholic Apologetics is striving to understand, explain, and defend our Catholic faith.
A Letter To The Occasional Catholic Mass Goer
Dear “Part-Time” Catholics, How are you? It’s been a while. You only show up some of the time, like Easter and Christmas (hence, the nickname “Cr-easters”), so we don’t know each other very well. But, I think I like a lot about you. You probably expected me to be all...
6 Books To Give Non-Catholics
This book list does not contain the predictable apologetics works. Those books are mostly written for you to read as a believer and be able to convey the truths with clarity and compassion in conversation with others. However, the latter are not conversation starters...
Why Are There Angels Around The Tabernacle?
Why Are There Angels Around The Tabernacle? What You Need To Know About Angels Near The Tabernacle Tabernacle: comes from the Latin word tabernaculum which means ‘abode’, the house of God. There I will meet you and there, from above the cover, between the two cherubim...
How Jesus Proves There Is A God
In my recent book “The Logic That God Exists” I endeavor to show that there is reason behind our faith in God and it is by no means just blind faith in something we cannot see. I show this through logic, deduction, science, and mathematics. Jesus Shows Power Of Nature...
How To Vote Catholic
As the Presidential Election in the United States approaches, Catholic voters are called to navigate their choices with both faith and discernment. This is more than just a political decision; it's a moral imperative grounded in the teachings of the Church....
Do These 3 Things To Protect Yourself From Demonic Influence
C.S. Lewis once warned that “there are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them” (The Screwtape Letters, 9)....
Will Our Pets Be With Us In Heaven?
Although we knew the day was coming, we could never truly prepare for the pain we felt when it finally arrived. Four months earlier, a neighbor noticed that Scout, our ten-year-old golden retriever, was walking with a slight limp. My wife soon felt a lump on his right...
Do Catholics Believe In The Prosperity Gospel?
Over ten years ago, after concluding a Catholic radio program at a non-denominational station, I encountered a pastor as I exited the studio. He posed a straightforward question: "Why don't you ever discuss the prosperity gospel?" The ensuing dialogue remains vivid in...
How Catholics Can Respond To The Mockery Of The Last Supper During The Olympics
How can Catholics respond to the apparent display of “The Last Supper” performed by drag queens at the Opening Ceremony for the Olympics? What should we do when our faith is mocked? Bishop Robert Baron Responds To Olympic's Mockery Of The Last Supper Bishop Barron...
What Does It Mean To Be Human? Theology Of The Body VS A.I.
Recently, a student showed me the days-long conversation she’d been having with her Snapchat A.I. assistant. She felt ambivalence about how “creepy” it was, but she couldn’t stop engaging with it. No matter what she asked, a reply instantly blinked onscreen. Yet it...
Is It A Mortal Sin To Leave The Catholic Church?
You may have heard that the largest religious group in America is the “nones,” those without a religious affiliation. In January of 2024, Pew Research stated that 28% of US adults are religiously unaffiliated. Of those, many are commonly called “fallen away”...
What Is Moral Relativism?
Moral relativism is the belief that there are no moral absolutes and that right and wrong vary from one individual to another. Accordingly, disagreements about morality are nothing more than expressions of opinion. Why Is Moral Relativism Dangerous? This may sound...
Should Catholics Use Someone’s “Preferred Pronouns”?
You may have wondered, “Should Catholics use pronouns?” It may be near impossible not to. In the English language, we use pronouns all the time to keep sentences from becoming repetitive and clunky. Without possessive pronouns like “their,” we’d have to say...
The Vital Importance Of Learning To Defend The Catholic Faith
Our current world often operates where the truth is obscured by skepticism and misinformation. In this setting, delivering the Gospel to others underscores the importance of Catholic apologetics—and doing it effectively cannot be overstated. Rooted in a profound...
True Happiness Is…The Truth?
The greatest philosophers in history say yes In March of 2024, Axios reported that the United States had hit a new low in the annual World Happiness Report. The U.S. dropped eight spots, to Number 23 overall—the first time it’s fallen out of the Top 20. Americans felt...
Here’s What I Learned About Catholics When I Was A Protestant
In a world overrun with social media and two-second soundbites, it’s often a challenge to know who to trust or what to believe. I should know. I was raised in a Protestant Christian church with Protestant friends. I attended a Protestant school. I read Protestant...
400-Year-Old Marian Prophecies About Our Age
In our age of wars, transgenderism, abortion up till birth in various nations, natural and moral calamities and a host of other seemingly insurmountable problems, sometimes it looks as if the world has gone barking mad. Many of us remember times that were much more...
Lessons From The Underground Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia
In my new book, When the Sickle Swings: Stories of Catholics Who Survived Communist Oppression, I document the testimonies of heroic Catholics who kept the faith despite persecution by hostile regimes the world over. I was privileged to interview survivors of...
Did You Know Know These 3 Scientists Were Catholic?
As a physician, my faith has been questioned by those who think I adhere too much to science and my science questioned by those who doubt my objectivity by being true to my faith. I have always worked to blend those two things, faith and science, in my life. This...
How Consciousness And Morality Point To God
There are many problems that an atheistic naturalistic worldview faces, and here I should like to highlight two. One problem is the realm of consciousness, and the other problem is the realm of morality. According to most mainstream versions of naturalism (naturalism...
3 Tips For Talking To Your Protestant Family Members
You’re sitting down for your family Thanksgiving meal. All of your brothers and sisters and some aunts and uncles and cousins have gathered together at mom and dad’s house for this annual feast. You’ve been looking forward to this for weeks. But,...
Catholic Kids Have Big Questions…Learn How To Answer Them
Sitting around the dinner table, my young son asked me a seemingly simple question, “How can I know that God exists?” He wasn’t asking about prayer or the Bible, but about logic. Why does our belief in God make sense? This was one of those rare parenting instances...
Christifideles Laici – Join Us As We Study This Important Apostolic Exhortation
We are all familiar with the dynamics of being part of a family. There are moments of joy and occasional misunderstandings. Some may feel burdened with the majority of responsibilities, while others may feel overlooked and unable to contribute their skills. There are...
What St. Padre Pio Can Teach Us About Enduring Trials
Padre Pio is one of the most beloved saints in Catholic history. Many know him for having the stigmata or for his ability to bilocate and read hearts in the confessional. The stories of his miracles are inspiring and remind people of the power of God and His Church....