C.S. Lewis once warned that “there are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them” (The Screwtape Letters, 9)....
God & Mystery of Evil
If God exists how can there be evil in our world? Get the answers to your questions about God and evil from some of the top Catholic theologians.
Is It A Mortal Sin To Leave The Catholic Church?
You may have heard that the largest religious group in America is the “nones,” those without a religious affiliation. In January of 2024, Pew Research stated that 28% of US adults are religiously unaffiliated. Of those, many are commonly called “fallen away”...
400-Year-Old Marian Prophecies About Our Age
In our age of wars, transgenderism, abortion up till birth in various nations, natural and moral calamities and a host of other seemingly insurmountable problems, sometimes it looks as if the world has gone barking mad. Many of us remember times that were much more...
5 Times The Blessed Mother Asked Us To Pray The Rosary
Mary has been known to appear many times throughout the world, and quite often the Blessed Mother has reiterated a similar message: pray the rosary. Meditate on the words of Our Lady in these approved apparitions of the Church and heed her call. 5 Times The Blessed...
Can Catholics Use Tarot Cards? An Exorcist Shares What You Need To Know
Let us first look at scripture, the place a Christian must start. In the Old Testament we find “Let there not be found among you anyone who causes their son or daughter to pass through the fire, or practices divination, or is a soothsayer, augur, or sorcerer, or...
How To Respond To School Shootings: Have Faith, Not Fear
“To our departed brothers and sisters… give kind admittance into your kingdom. There we hope to enjoy forever the fullness of your glory, when you will wipe away every tear from our eyes."~ paraphrased from Eucharistic Prayer III, Roman Missal, 3rd Edition English...
Is God Good? | Catholic-Link.org
A simple kinetic type animation that responds to the questions, "Is God Good? If He is, Why Does Evil Exist in the World?" Is God Good? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rfd_1UAjeIA&hd=1 "God judged it better to bring good out of evil than to suffer no evil to...
How God Worked Through My Battle Against COVID
How many of the people that you know, who contracted COVID, are grateful that they got it? I know of no one, other than myself. I contracted COVID-19 and went on an intense and crazy journey. Watch this video interview of my discussion with Drew and Katie Taylor to...
What Is The Principle of Double Effect?
Basis of Moral Theology – Object, Intention, and Circumstance Human acts are freely chosen because God has given us the gift of freedom. When we act deliberately, we are the author of our actions. If we act, then those actions can be morally evaluated as good or evil....
Why Christ’s Sacrifice On Good Friday Is So Much More Than Just A Few Hours On The Cross
With all the evil and suffering in the world, how does the less than twenty hours of the Passion of our Lord atone for all of the evil of human history? Many new Christians hear the saving message that Christ died to save them upon the Cross. But, how exactly does...
Why Did God Give Us The Power Of Free Will?
One of the greatest gifts that God has blessed us with is the gift of freedom. Freedom allows us to choose our actions and proves to us that we are not bound by some predetermined plan for our lives. God granted us this gift as part of the dignity he bestowed on human...
Are You Prepared To Face Persecution?
Did you ever wish that the The Sound of Music was real? The heroes /heroines, the nuns saving lives, the incredible family? Did it inspire endless daydreams about what you would do if you'd lived in Europe during WWII? The musical was based on the book Sound of Music...
6 Spiritual Lessons I Learned From The Book Of Job
If you haven’t read this Old Testament book, you’ve missed out on a major part of the Jewish spiritual understanding of pain and suffering. I won’t narrate the complete story, but in summary Job had to go through tremendous calamities. He lost his possessions, his...
7 Truths About Exorcism And Exorcists
Frequently, while watching TV or when we go to the movies, we find that many of the stories told have as a protagonist the devil. There are diverse opinions about it: some believe that these stories are the result of old fashioned ideas from the past, which Hollywood...
3 Movies About The Existence Of the Devil (Especially for Nonbelievers)
It is said that one of the best strategies of the devil is to make us believe that he doesn’t exist… and it seems to be working great. I have often found people that tell me: “I don't believe in hell… to me, the devil doesn’t exist. God is too good to create a place...
How To Handle An Inquisition About The Inquisition
Have you been questioned about the Inquisition? Maybe it's time we Catholics prepare ourselves to dismantle false premises, rather than being caught on the back foot. One of the wonderful things about being Catholic is all the weird, random, and sometimes jagged...
Why Did Jesus Need To Wash Peter’s Feet? An Urgent Question For Every Christian In Today’s World
Jesus comes to Peter to wash his feet. Peter says to him, "Lord, do you want to wash my feet?" Jesus answers, "What I am doing you do not know now but afterward you will understand." Peter said to him, "You shall never wash my feet." Jesus answered him, "If I do not...
The Eight Stages Of Genocide…And Why Catholics Should Care
During a special Mass held in 2015 to mark the centenary of the Armenian Genocide, the Holy Father referred to “three massive and unprecedented tragedies” of the past century. “The first, which is widely considered the first genocide of the twentieth century, struck...
The One Thing That May Be Holding Your Life Back | Luke 13:1-9
One of the best ways to enrich your experience at Sunday Mass is to pray the gospel reading personally. A great way of doing this is using the “Lectio Divina”; this is a powerful method which we explain here. The following is the Sunday gospel reading with a...
“You will not have my hatred.” Letter to a Terrorist from a Man who Lost his Wife in The Attacks on Paris
There are times when the enormity of a situation and the emotions within it are so huge that it feels impossible to respond with words that are adequate. The attacks in Paris have been one such time when words have come with difficulty, especially when the attacks...
6 Steps Of Temptation That Neither Adam Nor Eve, Nor You Or I Completely Understand
Evil. What is the source of evil? For some, the answer is simple: the source of evil is the devil. For others, the answer focuses on the human being: we are evil by nature. Is our flesh what makes us sin? Deepening a little bit, it would be a mistake to think that our...
A Priest Gives 5 Steps To Conquer Temptation | Catholic-Link.org
Overcoming sin and temptation involves learning to identify, process, and let go of disordered patterns of thinking, feeling, and desiring. These patterns have deep roots, and as we learn to explore our interior life under the gentle guidance of the Holy Spirit, we...
How Will Kids Respond to Gay Marriage? (Video) : 5 Truths To Teach Your Children
Late night comedian Jimmy Kimmel took to the streets to ask children their thoughts on gay marriage. I will admit that a few of the answers from the children were cute and funny, but the others were heart breaking. How can it be possible that these children...
A 9-Year-Old Watched A Video About Forgiving ISIS, What She Did Next Will Blow You Away
Caroline’s teacher, Mrs. Tranel, shared: She came after Easter and set it on my desk saying, "Read it if you want." I kind of forgot it and then one day discovered it under a pile on my desk. Parts of it took my breath away. I knew I needed to do something...
A Hope That Can Never Be Defeated: A Letter To ISIS From The People Of The Cross
“Love is coming after you... An army comes, an army of martyrs. They carry a message of life. They are a people of the Cross. They come to die at your gates. There is forgiveness tonight brother…” These are words that no man could never speak if God himself did...