Are you feeling low? Tired? Empty? Perhaps God is asking you to go on a silent retreat. Retreats, particularly those done in silence, allow us to set time apart for God by disconnecting from the very connected world we live in. Retreats can be for as little as...
Fr. Brenton Cordeiro's Author Page

Fr. Brenton Cordeiro
Fr. Brenton Cordeiro
Carlo Acutis: The Newest Patron Saint Of The Internet?
Carlo Acutis, who passed away in 2006, was beatified October 10, 2020 in Assisi. Blessed Carlo Acutis is proving to the world that you don’t need to be rich, famous, crazy smart or the coolest kid in school to make an impact. He once said, “To be always close to...
Looking For A Mountaintop Spiritual Experience? Dive Into St. Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises!
In the spiritual life, the term “mountaintop experience” refers to a glorious, monumental event in which one comes face to face with God, and through which, He reveals Himself to an individual in a new and powerful way. Think back to the story of the Transfiguration...
The Devil Will Use Covid-19 Fears To Get To You… Here’s How You Can Beat Him!
The world will never be the same again after the Covid-19 pandemic finally ends (whenever that may be!). Every generation faces at least one mega-crisis that forever changes the way the world operates. In my lifetime so far, it had been the events on 9/11 and the 2008...
Albert The Great: A Saint For Our Times Who Shows That Faith And Science Are Compatible
Sometimes the student becomes the master. That was the case with the relationship between Saint Thomas Aquinas and Saint Albert the Great. Saint Thomas Aquinas is arguably one of the greatest theologians who ever lived. But in...
St. John Paul II’s Advice For When Life Is Stressful
If you find that your life is filled with tension and anxiety, one obvious solution is to offer what you're going through to Christ in prayer. And in a rich and beautiful podcast, Dr. Edward Sri shows us why and how we can do...
5 Things St. Francis Teaches Us About Rebuilding The Church
St. Francis of Assisi is arguably one of the most beloved and venerated Catholic saints (after Mary and Joseph, obviously). However, by his own admission, Francis wasn’t always the radical, holy saint we revere. He once said, “I have been all things unholy. If God can...
What Does The Catholic Church Do With All Those Candles?
Good question, right? Why does the Church use so many candles? The answer lies within the tradition and history of the Church. The use of candles is a part of the rich heritage of the Catholic faith. Sure, candles probably served some practical purpose in...
Why The Gillette Ad Controversy Is A Great Evangelistic Opportunity
A lot has been said in the media about the recent Gillette advertisement calling men to a higher standard of masculinity. I don’t want to get into the different debates that the advertisement has generated. What I would like to point out is how this advertisement...
How To Have The Most Dynamic Liturgy This Christmas | Part 2
Whether you’re a regular Mass-goer, or you attend Church once a year at Christmas, chances are high that you have come across a liturgy that either had a boring homily or painful music. If not these, then perhaps you have witnessed a priest introduce liturgical...
Millions Will Visit A Catholic Church In The Christmas Season – Tips To Make Sure They Come Back!
All of us have surely noticed the jump in Mass attendance at Christmas. Many Catholics who don’t attend Sunday Mass regularly, make it a point to attend either a vigil Mass on Christmas Eve or a Mass on Christmas Day, in an attempt to add a spiritual dimension to...
We Need Dads Who Are Present…Powerful Spoken Word Must-See Video
I’m not a Dad, but when I came across this video online I knew it would be worth sharing. Every family-man longs to be a good husband and a good father. And they all try to do so, often slaving at a job they don’t particularly like. It’s often draining trying to...
Why Did God Give Us The Power Of Free Will?
One of the greatest gifts that God has blessed us with is the gift of freedom. Freedom allows us to choose our actions and proves to us that we are not bound by some predetermined plan for our lives. God granted us this gift as part of the dignity he bestowed on human...
I Love The Catholic Church, I Hate Sexual Abuse: A Seminarian’s Response To Scandal
Anyone who has heard the recent news coming out of the Catholic Church in Pennsylvania is rightfully outraged. It wasn’t just that possibly thousands of people were sexually abused, but what’s especially revolting is the way these perpetrators exploited their...
Pentecost isn’t a One Day Thing: How to Tap into the Power of the Holy Spirit This Week and Set the World on Fire!
If you ever visit the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran in Rome, you will see huge statues of the Apostles lining the nave of that church. Each statue appears larger-than-life and any viewer is left in awe and wonder at the respect these statues command. It is almost...
Why You Should Consider Giving Up Meat EVERY Friday
Growing up, I was regularly told that we were to abstain from meat on Fridays. So, when I moved to America a few years ago, I was surprised to hear many people tell me there was no longer a need for us to observe ‘meatless’ Fridays, as the Church had done away with...
Suffering Doesn’t Always Make Sense, But Embracing It Could Save Lives
One of the things we say when referring to Jesus, is that we call Him our Redeemer. We do this because Jesus died on the cross to pay the debt that came to be on account of our sin. By His death and resurrection, He won us freedom from the bondage that comes about...
How Giving Alms Gives Us More of Jesus: A Lenten Reflection
We all know Lent is a penitential time of the year. However, what often happens during Lent is that many of the penances we adopt revolve around fasting, abstinence and prayer. Some of us give up coffee, desserts or snacks, others take on spiritual practices like...
Why You Should Want the Gift of Tongues
For whatever reason, the gift of tongues has become one of the most controversial gifts of the Holy Spirit. So, before you dismiss this post because of something you may have previously heard or experienced relating to the gift of tongues, I encourage you to read on....
4 Heroic Stories of Military Chaplains Who Went Beyond Their Call of Duty
During patriotic holidays, we are intentional in remembering the men and women who have fought for our freedom from the beginning. In a special way, military chaplains carry out their duties displaying exemplary courage and faith. They reflect the love of Jesus to...
4 Ways To Promote Priestly Vocations In Your Parish
Being a seminarian, I’m surrounded by other seminarians and I’ve heard a variety of vocation stories. What always amazes me is how the Lord calls each man differently to the priesthood. Some felt urged to explore this vocation through promptings from the Holy Spirit,...
5 Simple Ways To Share The Faith In Your Home And Workplace
I grew up in Goa, a small state on the west coast of India. Back in the 16th century, the great missionary saint St. Francis Xavier traveled to India and helped bring the Catholic faith to Goa. Over the centuries, the seeds sown by St. Francis Xavier, and others like...
How Do You Pray With Someone For Their Intentions? A Catholic Guide
People often ask us to pray for them, whether they’re facing challenges personally, at home, at work, or they’re battling a particular illness. The common practice is that we promise to pray for that person, putting it off to some point in the future (that, let’s be...
Faith Is A Gift: Following 4 Seminarians On Pilgrimage To Iraq
A few weeks ago, four seminarians from Michigan embarked on a pilgrimage to Iraq. Iraq may seem like an unusual choice for a pilgrimage destination for most of us, but the country holds a special meaning for these four men. They are all studying to be Catholic priests...
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal: Marking 50 Years Of A New Pentecost For Our Church
Don’t be surprised if you hear in the coming days that a few hundred thousand people are making their way to Rome. They’ve all headed there to mark the 50th anniversary of the charismatic renewal in the Catholic Church, a phenomenon that is estimated to have impacted...