Fr. Brenton Cordeiro's Author Page

Fr. Brenton Cordeiro

Fr. Brenton Cordeiro

Fr. Brenton Cordeiro

Father Brenton Cordeiro first felt the call to the priesthood in a simple, profound way on his sixteenth birthday. “As I began to fall in love with my faith, discover my faith,” he says, “that call was something that I kept close to me in my heart.” About ten years after first feeling the call, Fr. Brenton began his discernment, which led him to the Companions of the Cross — halfway across the world. From his childhood in a small town in India to beginning his priestly ministry in Toronto, Fr. Brenton is confident in the knowledge that if he lives with a docility to the movement of the Spirit, God will take care of the rest. Fr. Brenton looks forward to being a happy, healthy, and holy priest who is transformed by the Gospel and can live in the hope of Jesus. Fr. Brenton was ordained on May 31st in his home diocese in India. Please join us in praying for him as he begins his priestly ministry.
Fr. Brenton Cordeiro's Articles:
5 Things That Happen On A Silent Retreat

5 Things That Happen On A Silent Retreat

Are you feeling low? Tired? Empty? Perhaps God is asking you to go on a silent retreat.  Retreats, particularly those done in silence, allow us to set time apart for God by disconnecting from the very connected world we live in. Retreats can be for as little as...

Why You Should Consider Giving Up Meat EVERY Friday

Why You Should Consider Giving Up Meat EVERY Friday

Growing up, I was regularly told that we were to abstain from meat on Fridays. So, when I moved to America a few years ago, I was surprised to hear many people tell me there was no longer a need for us to observe ‘meatless’ Fridays, as the Church had done away with...

How Giving Alms Gives Us More of Jesus: A Lenten Reflection

How Giving Alms Gives Us More of Jesus: A Lenten Reflection

We all know Lent is a penitential time of the year. However, what often happens during Lent is that many of the penances we adopt revolve around fasting, abstinence and prayer. Some of us give up coffee, desserts or snacks, others take on spiritual practices like...

Why You Should Want the Gift of Tongues

Why You Should Want the Gift of Tongues

For whatever reason, the gift of tongues has become one of the most controversial gifts of the Holy Spirit. So, before you dismiss this post because of something you may have previously heard or experienced relating to the gift of tongues, I encourage you to read on....

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