Although we knew the day was coming, we could never truly prepare for the pain we felt when it finally arrived. Four months earlier, a neighbor noticed that Scout, our ten-year-old golden retriever, was walking with a slight limp. My wife soon felt a lump on his right...
C. Thomas Cox's Author Page
C. Thomas Cox
C. Thomas Cox
7 Strategies Catholics Use When They Can’t Fall Back To Sleep At Night
Do you wake up to pee every night? I do, and it’s annoying. I envy folks with bladders so large they can hold it for eight straight hours, but, since I can’t, each night I must confront the conundrum that’s puzzled mankind for thousands of years. What should I do when...
What My Dog Taught Me About God
My family recently adopted a golden retriever puppy. We named her Casey, after the Mudville Nine’s cleanup hitter. She’s adorable. If she wasn’t so darn cute we’d have likely returned her by now. Each time I look at my hands and see all the cuts and scratches from her...
Here’s What I Learned About Catholics When I Was A Protestant
In a world overrun with social media and two-second soundbites, it’s often a challenge to know who to trust or what to believe. I should know. I was raised in a Protestant Christian church with Protestant friends. I attended a Protestant school. I read Protestant...