he Church constantly invites its members to take an active role in the apostolic dynamic. The Holy Father, with his constant exhortations to reach out to the boundaries of society’s so as to bring the light of Christ, couldn’t be more clear. We are...
Catholic Church
Is Pope Francis Pushing a Gay Agenda In the Catholic Church? A Look at the Media’s (Mis)Interpretation of the Synod
any of the images below reflect ideologies driving the headlines that have been seen swirling around in various media outlets following a seemingly heavily controversial synod of bishops on the family. There seem to be back-and-forth arguments...
Longing for God: Three Homosexuals Share their Testimony about Returning to the Church
What more can I say about this extraordinary video, this moving “sincerity hour.” Perhaps it is enough to say that Perhaps it is enough to say that these testimonies deserve to be watched and listened to, above all for their sincerity. Here, we aren’t talking about...
“Calvary”: A Good Irish Priest In The Aftermath Of Sex Scandals
A painful walk in the dark, with a few dashes of light humor or just plain oddity, Calvary lays out the drama of a good priest in an impossible world. The religious sensibility in Ireland lays in ruins after the sex abuse scandals, yet the human heart never ceases to...
St. John Paul II, The Life Of A Holy Pope (Animated Video)
What led St. John Paul II to greatness? Was it because of his apostolic success, his impressive figure, or his untiring travels? Why is he so beloved by Catholics? No doubt, all this is important, but it isn't enough. John Paul the II has been recognized a saint for a...
What’s The Church’s True Position On Same Sex Attraction?
In light of pride month, we would like to share this video. Spirit Juice Studios and Fr. Claude Burns (aka Fr. Pontifex) offers us a compelling presentation of the Church's view and attitude towards people who experience same-sex attraction. "The topic of...
Saint John Paul II: Why Did We Love Him So Much?
Many years have passed since our beloved Saint John Paul II passed on and entered into God's loving embrace, yet his presence is still strongly felt today. This video reminds us why JPII was so great, why he was able to reach so many hearts, why he become like a...
In 5 Minutes This Video Captures The Beauty Of The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church
The video presented today has been skillfully crafted by Mauricio Artieda, a former director of Catholic-Link. Its primary purpose is to reinforce the foundational identity of the Catholic Church as being established by Christ Himself. This video has garnered a...
Why Does The Catholic Church Baptize Infants?
This six-minute video that comes as part of the Sacraments 101 Series by Busted Halo excellently presents a basic catechesis on the Sacrament of Baptism. During my transitional diaconate, I had the wonderful opportunity to serve the Filipino Community in Rome at Santa...