Feast of Saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto | February 20

Patron Saints Of Kids Who Refuse To Smile In Photos

Feast of Saints Jacinta And Francisco Marto | February 20


Feast of Saints Jacinta and Franciso Marto February 20 Patron Saints of Kids Who Refuse To Smile In Photos

What is comedian Jim Gaffigan's favorite Marian apparition? Listen as he tells a very accurate, yet hilarious rendition of this beloved story

Comedian Jim Gaffigan Hilariously Shares About His Favorite Marian Apparition

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn We can guarantee you’ve never heard the story of this Marian apparition quite like Jim Gaffigan shares it. The entire clip is great, but if you want to jump to this part start at the 4:15 minute mark. Take a listen and enjoy! Jim Gaffigan’s Favorite Marian Apparition Juan Diego‘s […]

Whoever Receives One Child, Receives Me

Whoever Receives One Child, Receives Me

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Cartoon: Receive the children

Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me

Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Cartoon: Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me

Catholic Reactions and Emojis for Social Media

Catholic Reactions And Emojis For Social Media

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Catholic Reactions And Emojis For Social Media More Catholic Articles And Inspiration!

Try To Laugh A Lot | Wisdom From Mother Angelica

Try To Laugh A Lot | Wisdom From Mother Angelica

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn The only tragedy in the world is sin…| Mother Angelica Quote     Rhoda Wise: The Woman Who Helped Mother Angelica Find Her Vocation


Getting Out Of Bed Is…

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Sunrise is a never-ending glory; getting out of bed is a never-ending nuisance G.K. ChesterTon

Patron Saints Of Kids Who Refuse To Smile In Photos Feast of Saints Jacinta And Francisco Marto | February 20

Feast of Saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto | February 20

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Patron Saints Of Kids Who Refuse To Smile In Photos Feast of Saints Jacinta And Francisco Marto | February 20    

The Struggle Is Real...But So Is God catholic Quote

The Purpose Of Struggles According To St. Rose

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Without the burden of afflictions, it is impossible to reach the height of grace. The gift of grace increases as the struggles increase. St. Rose

Name A Song You Sing At Church THat HAs The Word Love In The Lyrics

Name A Catholic Church Song With The Word Love In It

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn 25 Names Of Jesus To Use In Prayer This Christmas St. John Paul II’s Advice For When Life Is Stressful Pray The “Veni, Creator Spiritus” On January 1 (New Year’s Day) For A Plenary Indulgence 24 Bible Quotes For When You Need To Find Peace In Your Life

Cat-o-link April Fool's Joke

Cat-O-Link Is Here | Introducing The New Catholic-Link!

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Choose 3 Saints To Invite To Your Christmas Party

Choose 3 Saints To Invite To Your Christmas Party!

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Which 3 Saints would you invite to your Christmas Celebration this year? (Choose any 3, not just those pictured!) Over 115 Of The Best Catholic Gifts For 2021 + GIVEAWAYS! 12 Children’s Books To Read For The 12 Days Of Christmas 6 Ways You Are Probably Doing Christmas Wrong 25 […]

St. Philip Neri Quote have fun

Make A Fool Of Yourself From Time To Time | St. Philip Neri

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn We are not saints yet, but we too, should beware. Uprightness and virtue do have their rewards in self-respect and in respect from others, and it is easy to find ourselves aiming for result rather than the cause. Let us aim for joy, rather than respectability. Let us make fools […]

Easter Sunday Catholic review priest

Easter Sunday In August?

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Movie enthusiasts can get a dose of Easter this summer with the new film Easter Sunday released on August 5th.  It’s a comedy and certain scenes will make you laugh.  At least they made me laugh out loud.  Not only is a comical film, it is also a historic one, […]


The Assignment: Create A Meme Of Fr. Mike Schmitz

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Elise McBride, a sixth-grade religion teacher at St. Francis of Assisi school in Ohio, wanted to find a way to help her students understand what Catholics are celebrating on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. The common misconception, even among adult Catholics, is that this Feast Day is about the […]

The Wonderful World Of Benjamin Cello: An Innovative Show For Catholic Children

The Wonderful World Of Benjamin Cello: An Innovative Show For Catholic Children

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “Christ is risen from the dead! Trampling down death by death! And upon those in the tombs bestowing life!” So sings my little niece as she scampers across the backyard, her two lungs bursting at a reckless volume.  To see children singing is one of my favorite moments as an […]

Best Catholic Mask Best Catholic Masks

Our 10 Favorite Catholic Masks

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn In many parts of the world, if you want to go to Mass you have to wear a mask. In my opinion, it’s a small price to pay for the opportunity to worship the Creator of the Universe and receive Holy Communion. It might not always be comfortable, but we […]

how to fast lent catholic

“The Skinny On Fasting” – A Funny Video On A Serious Christian Discipline

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Have you been fasting this Lent? Sure, it’s a struggle, but this ancient, scriptural, necessary Christian discipline is something Jesus expected and which Catholics for hundreds of years took as a given. (Check out our Illustrated Guide to Fasting) You’re not supposed to like it or be good at it… […]

Catholic Games Uno

Are You Ready To Play This “Uno-style” Card Game With A Catholic Twist?

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Most families enjoy playing the classic card game Uno, which is why we were so excited when we stumbled upon this Kickstarter campaign for a Catholic version of this great game! Check out Unus Deus: It looks like this game is going to be a must-have for both families and […]

catholic the kids are alright review

“The Kids Are Alright” – Could There Really Be A Catholic Show On Network TV?

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “The Kids Are Alright” is a new sitcom on ABC that is somewhat inspired by the childhood of writer and producer Tim Doyle. The show takes place in the 1970s and tells the story of the Clearys, an Irish-Catholic family with eight boys. Check out the official trailer below. The […]

catholic serenity prayer

Do You Really Know What The “Serenity Prayer” Means?

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn The Skit Guys break down the meaning of the “Serenity Prayer” in this hilarious, yet insightful video. Chances are good that you’ve seen this prayer floating around the internet and have maybe even prayed it yourself. The prayer has become widely known because it is used by Alcoholics Anonymous and many […]

Catholic Sister Mary Jo throws first pitch at White Sox game

Sr. Mary Jo Throws A Curve Ball That Stuns The Internet

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Sr. Mary Jo Sobieck is the latest nun making sports news on the internet. Her “perfect pitch” has caught the attention of every major news outlet, is fascinating viewers on social media, and was even featured on ESPN’s sports highlights. Check it out what the Chicago White Sox called “One of […]

finding clean comedy

Clean Comedy: 5 Ways To Find Clean, But Still Fun, Humor And Entertainment

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn You don’t need to risk a lengthy Confession to have a good time. But, you also don’t need to force laughter at so-called “clean comedy” that isn’t actually funny to you. “Serve the Lord with laughter,” St. Pio says! The older generations seem to have the class about their comedy […]

Capuchin Sisters of the Sacred Heart nuns working out boxing catholic

Would You Be Able To Workout With These Nuns?

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn The Capuchin Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart in Poland have made it a habit to workout each morning in their habits in order to keep strong and able to serve orphaned children. You’ll be inspired by the intensity with which these hardworking nuns hit the gym. We can only […]

TXT Stories Easter: He's Back

TXT Stories Easter: He’s Back!

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn TXT Stories has imagined what communication would have looked like if the followers of Jesus had text messaging at the first Easter.  Of course, this isn’t scripturally accurate, but with Easter Sunday falling on April Fool’s Day this year, we can all enjoy a little fun. TXT Stories Easter: He’s Back […]

The Lent Linebacker catholic

What Is A Lent Linebacker…And Why Should You Be Concerned?

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn The Lent Linebacker from New Catholic Generation is back to ensure that you stick to your Lenten promise and follow the days of fasting and abstinence. Cheat and you might find yourself getting tackled. The Lent Linebacker is lurking around every corner and ready to pounce when he sees anyone […]



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