Wait Until Marriage? Yes, It Is Full Of Joy!

by Controversial Subjects, Sexuality and Chastity

Nowadays, waiting to have sex until marriage is an “out-of-date” idea, but as the video explains, there is a deeper meaning to sex.  God has created us to live together, specifically, through the vocation of marriage.  The Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him,” –  Gn, 2:18. God refers to the companion as someone to help share in the work, but also, and more fundamentally, as a complementary other in the physical, psychological and spiritual expressions of our humanity.

What Is Sex?

On the one hand, when sexual relations are only motivated by the desire for pleasure, and/or by uncontrolled emotions seeking to fill gaps, the only feeling that follows is one of emptiness. It becomes an empty, meaningless gesture since there is nothing to express and celebrate. On the other hand, The virtue of chastity in the context of marriage involves the integrity of the person and the integrality of the gift. Moreover, chastity helps us not only to understand the meaning of sex, but also its deepest level.  The beauty of sex during the marriage is not only procreation but also that the spouses merge in physical, emotional and spiritual aspects. So, romantic love becomes a force that enriches and makes people grow, while at the same time contributing to the culture of love.

In the Christian view, chastity by no means signifies rejection of human sexuality or lack of esteem for it: rather it signifies spiritual energy capable of defending love from the perils of selfishness and aggressiveness, and able to advance it towards its full realization. Pope St. John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio

Check out this link:

Is it Possible to Sustain a Relationship for More than 4 Weeks without Sex?

God created us unique and unrepeatable beings with free will to make decisions. So, if our choice is to live a chaste life, we must be very attentive to the moment of the gift in order to enrich one’s love for other. In consequence, the fruits of chastity can be full of joy inside your heart for eternity!

If you want to find true love, Chastity is a school of the gift of the person.

Striving for purity of heart, man can be able to see the image of God in the marital context: husband and wife. Therefore, only self-mastery will allow you to give yourself as a full and free gift. Practicing self-mastery either while single or in a romantic relationship will be challenging but at the same time full of joy. The fruits of this effort will, when you get married, be the joyful knowledge that you have cooperated with God and your spouse to create something beautiful and worthy.

God has shown us how much he loves us in several ways. He first loved us –John 4:19 Thus, we are called to love our significant others like he did on the Cross with an authentic love. An authentic and Pure love where you can make your significant other more virtuous.  “Like the love of God, this is a love capable of generosity. One desires the good of the other because he or she is recognized as worthy of being loved. This is a love that generates a communion between persons” education within the family (the pontifical council for the family, some  1995)   

Chastity is not easy; it means going against the current seeking the freedom of love. If you accept the challenge, the grace of God will make it possible. 

Chastity is a difficult, long-term matter; one must wait patiently for it to bear fruit, for the happiness of loving kindness that it must bring. But at the same time, chastity is the sure way to happiness.Blessed John Paul II  


More Catholic Resources On Sex And Chastity

Does The Catholic Church Believe Sex Is A Sin?

25 Things Couples Miss Out On When All They Think About Is Sex

Why Wait Until Marriage To Have Sex?

10 Catholic Quotes On Chastity

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