Evil Will Not Have The Last Word | Pope Francis Quote


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Pope Francis shared some powerful words at World Youth Day. We can all learn from the Holy Father's wisdom!

Don’t Be Afraid! | 10 Pope Francis Quotes From World Youth Day The Secular Media Isn’t Sharing

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn I couldn’t help but notice that there wasn’t much secular news coverage of this year’s World Youth Day celebration in Lisbon. Maybe it’s because the media couldn’t twist Pope Francis’ words out of context as easily as they usually do with our Holy Father? Throughout the week, Pope Francis shared […]

Pope Francis Lent Quote

10 Lent Quotes From Pope Francis To Celebrate His 10th Anniversary As Pope

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected Pope on March 13, 2013, during the season of Lent. Each year, during this season of the Church, Pope Francis provides wisdom and encouragement for our Lenten journey. Today, we present a Lent quote from each year of Pope Francis’ papacy to inspire and guide […]

pope francis apostolic letter explained

What You Should Know About Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter on The Liturgy – Desiderio Desideravi

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn What is Desiderio desideravi? Desiderio desideravi, the title of Pope Francis’ 2022 document on the Sacred Liturgy, comes from the Latin version of Luke 22:15: “I have earnestly desired (desiderio desideravi) to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.” Pope Francis begins this beautiful and relatively short reflection on […]

10 Quotes From The Catholic Church's 10 Newest Saints || Get to know our newest saints by reading their words and praying!

10 Quotes From The Catholic Church’s 10 Newest Saints

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn On May 15, 2022, Pope Francis introduced ten new Saints to the Catholic Church. Each of these holy men and women are powerful examples of lives dedicated to God through service, faith, and love. At the canonization Mass, Pope Francis reminded the faithful that all are called to become saints. […]

Papal preacher Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa

The Preacher To The Popes: Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn We know the Pope as someone who inspires the world, but have you ever wondered who inspires the Pope? Did you know that the Pope has an official preacher? If that’s news to you, you’re not alone! This unique position has existed since 1555, with each apostolic preacher serving for […]

Pope Francis Is Restricting The Traditional Latin Mass? New Motu Proprio - Traditionis Custodes

Is It True That Pope Francis Is Restricting The Traditional Latin Mass?

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Traditionis Custodes Early on July 16, 2021, Pope Francis issued a Motu Proprio entitled Traditionis Custodes which sent shockwaves through the Catholic world, especially in more traditionalist circles. For a brief first look at what the document says, please click here. The internet was certainly abuzz with the reactions of various prelates and […]

Pope Francis New Motu Proprio - Traditionis Custodes

Breaking Open the Pope’s New Motu Proprio – Traditionis Custodes

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Pope Francis released a motu proprio on Friday, July 16, 2021, entitled Traditionis Custodes (“Guardians of Tradition”). This document will almost certainly be interpreted differently depending on the perspective of the reader. Those who currently and regularly attend the “Traditional Latin Mass” will see it as an attack. Those who […]

How I'm Living Out Pope Francis' Fratelli Tutti In 2021

How I’m Living Out Pope Francis’ Fratelli Tutti In 2021

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Fratelli Tutti Fratelli Tutti is the latest encyclical of Pope Francis. Fratelli Tutti draws its name from the “Admonitions” of St. Francis of Assisi who reminded his friars that all men are brothers in being created by the same Creator. As human beings, men and women are brothers and sisters, […]

Join Fr. Elliott for Ask A Priest as he discusses Cardinals, Bishops, Pope's Comments On Civil Unions, and more Catholic topics.

Cardinals, Bishops, Pope’s Comments On Civil Unions | Civil Unions

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Pope Francis recently named new cardinals, but not all of them are bishops…is that even allowed? Well actually, in the history of the Church, it’s not that uncommon. Fr. George explains the history of cardinals and what their function is today. We also learn about some little known details about […]

Pope Francis Quote On Families Wine

Pope Francis Encourages Families Saying The Best Is Yet To Come

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “I remember once how my mother was asked which of her five children – we are five brothers – did she love the most. And she said: it is like the fingers on my hand, if I prick one of them, then it is as if the others are pricked […]

Pope Francis A Man of His Word Catholic Movie Review

What Movie Critics Are Saying About “Pope Francis: A Man Of His Word”

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Pope Francis has been known to go to great lengths to engage with the culture.  For the first time in history, our Holy Father will star in a documentary, “Pope Francis: A Man Of His Word”, which opens in theaters nationwide on May 18th. Award-winning German filmmaker Wim Wenders (Paris, Texas, Wings […]

Pope Francis responds to a young boy who asks if his atheist father will got to heaven

Pope Francis’ Powerful Response To A Young Boy’s Question: “Is My Atheist Father In Heaven?”

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn There are really no words to add to this incredibly moving video of the Holy Father responding to the question of a young boy who wanted to know if his father non-believing father is now in heaven. The beauty, the gentleness, the compassion of Pope Francis should be imitated by […]

catholic pope francis meets astronauts in space

Watch Pope Francis Talk With These Astronauts Aboard The International Space Station

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn On Thursday, six astronauts aboard the International Space Station had the opportunity to speak with Pope Francis in a video conference call.  This is the second time that a Pope has had the opportunity to connect with astronauts while in space. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI was the first to do […]

Pope Francis' Bedtime PRayer

Pope Francis’ Suggestion For Bedtime Prayer Is Perfect For Children (And Adults!)

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn What does a Pope pray before bed? Pope Francis’ bedtime prayer is one that we can all easily incorporate into our nightly routine. With the beautiful simplicity of this prayer, we can teach our children to come before the Cross of Christ and meditate on what He has done for […]

Day of Prayer

Donald Trump Calls for Memorial Day to Be a Day of Prayer for Permanent Peace After Meeting With Pope Francis

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn On Wednesday, May 24th, United States President Donald Trump proclaimed that Memorial Day (May 29th) will be a Day of Prayer for Permanent Peace. It’s no coincidence that he initiated this day of prayer on the same day that he met with Pope Francis at the Vatican. During their meeting, […]

Pope Francis TED talk

Pope Francis Gave A TED Talk And The Internet Is Loving It!

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn The Pope Francis TED talk is trending all over the news today. Filmed at the Vatican, the talk debuted during TED’s international conference in Vancouver on Tuesday night. It was a surprise for all who attended. Media coverage from CNN to the Huffington Post has been incredibly positive for the 17-minute […]

These 18 Celebrities Had the Chance to Meet the Pope

These 18 Celebrities Had the Chance to Meet the Pope

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn It has always been a common practice for the Pope to meet with world leaders such as politicians and religious figures, but Pope Francis seems to have made a commitment to including celebrities and athletes on his busy meeting agenda. Though I can only speculate on the reasons behind this, […]

super bowl francis

Pope Francis’ Historic Super Bowl Greeting

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Pope Francis surprised American Football fans (and – perhaps – commercial junkies?) from across the globe when, in an historic first for a Roman Pontiff, he addressed Super Bowl viewers on Sunday, February 5th. Reiterating his favorite themes of solidarity, the Holy Father called on fans and participants in sport […]

quotes Francis

25 Pope Francis Quotes To Live Out

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn 2016 was a busy year for Pope Francis and he has hardly slowed down in the first month of the new year! The past year in the Church was graced with love and mercy, much needed in our world today. World Youth Day events and the canonization of new saints […]

Pope Francis' Letter to Young People invites them to trust in Jesus, who will guide them to fulfillment through their faith journey.

4 Things Pope Francis Wants All Young People To Remember

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Pope Francis began a letter to address young people by stating, “I want you to be the center of attention because you are in my heart.” This letter serves as an invitation to all young people to place their trust in Jesus who will guide them to fulfillment through their […]

old man shoe ad The Determination Of This Elderly Man Will Make You Appreciate Your Ability To Move

The Determination Of This Elderly Man Will Make You Appreciate Your Ability To Move

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn This recent ad, made by a film student and ignored by the brand it was created to promote, is so profound and moving that it’s not hard to see why it’s gone viral. It tells the tale of an aged marathon runner waiting out his final years in a care […]

Year of Mercy

If You Hadn’t Noticed, We’ve Just Had a Year of Mercy!

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn In case you hadn’t noticed, we’ve just had a Year of Mercy! It ends pretty soon, on November 20th. Maybe, like me, you start out on these extraordinary years full of interest and hope and enthusiasm, and get to the end a little worn out with the repetition of it […]

Holy Father, I Want to Get a Divorce. | The Pope Francis Minute

Holy Father, I Want to Get a Divorce| The Pope Francis Minute

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn In the midst of trials and arguments, it is often too quickly forgotten that marriage is a covenant bond between spouses which is sealed by God.  When two people grow apart in a marriage, the easy solution might appear to be to get a divorce. However,  the scripture is clear […]

Make-A-Wish boy wants to meet pope francis

This Boy’s Make-A-Wish? A Blessing from Pope Francis…

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Landon LaChance is a sweet eleven-year-old boy with a rare genetic disease called neurofibromatosis that causes his skin to change color and may also cause non-cancerous tumors.  When Make-A-Wish gave him the opportunity to have a wish granted his request was not what most boys his age would have wanted. It […]


The Secret to Buying Happiness

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Money can buy happiness? As Fr. Mike Schmitz points out, yes, money actually can buy happiness if you spend it on other people. Spending money on other people can “buy happiness” because it doesn’t have to do with the money—it has to do with gratitude, sharing, charity, helping others meet […]

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3 Ways To Overcome Anger

3 Ways To Overcome Anger

Imagine your anger to be a kind of wild beast, because it has ferocious teeth and claws, and if you don’t tame it, it will devastate all things even corrupting the soul.— St. John Chrysostom More Catholic Resources On Anger...

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