The Day I Told Jesus I Was A Porn Addict It Led To Freedom

by Faith & Life, Morals & Values

I remember the day that I told Jesus I was a porn addict.

I remember the fear. I remember my body shaking, and my words trembling. For myself, it was an honest realization and a total admission. I remember kneeling before Jesus Christ in Eucharistic Adoration, and then going to meet Him in the Sacrament of Reconciliation with my heart pounding out of my chest. I was scared. I was scared because I knew in that moment that this was something over which I had no control.

However, I remember that day most of all not because of the fear, but because of the grace. It was on that day that I started my journey of healing. It was on that day that I stepped into the light of Christ. And it was on that day that I started living in the grace-filled present moment – with God as my strength.

For a long time pornography had been something in my life that I didn’t want. I’d confess it during Reconciliation, but I’d use words that didn’t acknowledge the depth or severity of the problem in my life. I would speak of it as if it were not mine.

On that day though, I gave it all to Christ.

I knew how much pornography had a hold on me; I knew how much it had diminished my ability to love another person authentically. And I knew that it was an addiction – and I hated it.

Find True Freedom From Porn

FREEDOM is a book by Everett Fritz that brings this battle for purity to the forefront. The book tackles the problem head on as it guides the reader not only to a realization of why they should want pornography out of their life, but towards actually starting on the path and the journey of healing. This is offered through good and practical advice with a lived relationship with Christ and His Sacraments at the very center.

FREEDOM takes an honest and frank look at the issues – the root and its effects – and it shows how we can break free from the bond of slavery that pornography imposes. The book also doesn’t shy away from considering the scars, the difficulties, and the challenges that breaking from this addiction carries. But it directs the reader beyond these difficulties and towards a hope, a real hope in Jesus Christ. A hope of freedom.

There are so many great resources out there, and FREEDOM is certainly one of them. The battle for purity is so important in today’s world. We’re living in a world which dulls the higher senses, as we’re offered only that which excites the creaturely appetites, whilst being starved of that which nourishes the personal.

In our world authentic beauty is being reduced to an imitation beauty. The authentic beauty which wonderfully consumes man has been left for an imitation which man is now consuming. And the authentic beauty which always elevates man has been abandoned for an imitation which is always demoting beauty. There is a focus on pleasure and not on value. This is what we really see in pornography. The authentic beauty of a human person and the sexual act which should be all encompassing, and call man higher, is being reduced and fundamentally stolen in a fleeting moment of possessive and destructive desire.

“There is nothing into which man is more easily drawn, but nothing from which he is with more difficulty freed.” – Venerable Fr. Louis of Granada, O.P. (Note: This was written in the 16th Century about Lust – Imagine what he would’ve said today!)

FREEDOM is a wonderfully resourceful book in its own right, and it also points the reader towards additional resources that are available, and that help to further the ‘battle strategies for conquering temptation’.

It is high time, as this book declares, for men to start becoming men. For them to “cast off the shackles of lust” and to “find freedom in pursuing Christ and real love”. One man at a time we can re-discover authentic beauty. We can heal the wounds of impurity. And we can create an army whose hearts are oriented only to that which is good, true, and beautiful. To the One who is sovereign above all, the One who created us with the dignity of being like Him. Let us not forget it. And by the grace of God let us begin.


Pornography Addiction Resources

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