Every action has consequences. It’s not always a matter of weighing the pros and cons because some choices we consider have a con that should alert us to not look further into the pros. Yet, we still do, trying to justify our actions, our choices. Here in this...
culture of life
7 Ways You Can Still Support The Pro-Life Movement In A Culture Of Death
Our current culture is moving further and further from a pro-life outlook where every life is equal in dignity to one that considers that not all lives are created equal. For those of us who recognize the inherent dignity in every life, this is a sobering and...
“Every Single Day Is A Gift” – A Testimony Against Assisted Suicide
October is Pro-Life month, and many of our readers and writers may have been participating in international 40-Days For Life campaigns across the world, praying and ministering outside abortuaries. But we should not forget about abortion's fellow traveler, assisted...
Iceland Has A Shocking Down Syndrome Policy, And Tragically It Is “Working”
A Nordic country has taken steps to genetically cleanse their population by eradicating those with Down syndrome. No, we are not talking about Nazi-Germany, but rather 2017 Iceland. Health providers in Iceland have taken the next step in playing God as they claim to...
Why Legalizing Euthanasia And Assisted Suicide Is A Bad Idea
Brian Holdsworth is a young Catholic, self-described as a "creative professional and struggling thinker" who "makes videos on topics that [he] finds interesting." He recently made a video on Euthanasia and Assisted suicide, which we share here. As you can imagine, it...