The leafy street in the regional Australian town of Albury, housing the local abortion clinic, is a picturesque one. And, until very recently, it was normal to see a group of people praying on the pavement on a Thursday morning, Rosary beads in hand. One or two...
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Emily Shaw
Emily Shaw
7 Ways You Can Still Support The Pro-Life Movement In A Culture Of Death
Our current culture is moving further and further from a pro-life outlook where every life is equal in dignity to one that considers that not all lives are created equal. For those of us who recognize the inherent dignity in every life, this is a sobering and...
How To Become A Saint Without Retreating From The World
It all started with the Benedict Option, penned by Rob Dreher. Soon, however, there was a plethora of other ‘options’ that littered the web: the Dominican Option, the Marian Option, the Kateri Option and the Franciscan Option (the latter of which refers to Franciscan...
Green Sex: What is it? (And Why We All Should Care!)
Healthier and more holistic approaches to lifestyle and diet abound. Diet fads come and go, certainly, but a steadily increasing demand for ‘organic’ products is evidence that as a consumer base we’re looking for healthier and less processed food and lifestyle to go...