Did you know that each month has a traditional Catholic devotion? We can focus on each devotion month-by-month to grow in our faith and traditions. Make notes for yourself, write them on your calendar, and pray a specific prayer each day of the month to remember. You...
Corpus Christi
Liturgy Live | Corpus Christi
We are being tested during this time of crisis. God is looking to see if you remember that He provides for you. He will guide you and provide for you. We are being allowed to feel the hunger for the Body and Blood of Christ, how are we to respond to the invitation...
How One Priest’s Doubt Led To The Feast Of Corpus Christi
A Priest in Doubt A German priest named Fr. Peter of Prague was struggling with his faith in the Most Holy Eucharist. He saw around him a lack of interest on the part of the laity, a general immorality and laziness of the clergy, and a lack of reverence for the Sacred...
God’s Love | Liturgy Live Corpus Christi Sunday
This week we discuss Gods love. Through the gift of the Body and Blood of Christ. Fr Ian talks about the thought of earning God's love as a motivation for working harder and digging deeper in life. Alanna reminds everyone that technically you can not earn God's love...
You’ll Immediately Want To Find A Corpus Christi Procession After Watching This
Since 1264, the Feast of Corpus Christi is celebrated on the Thursday following the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity. Catholics across the world will commemorate this day with a Eucharistic procession through their city. If your parish doesn't do this,...
God Lets Himself Be Eaten! What The Feast Of Corpus Christi Really Means
Meditation for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ “These things, brothers and sisters, are called Sacraments, for in them on thing is seen while another is signified.” - Saint Augustine. The famous psychologist, Zygmunt Bauman, said that getting...
As We Gaze Upon God Let Us Be So Bold As To Believe | Corpus Christi Gospel Reflection
In today's Gospel reflection, Father Ian VanHeusen presents a spiritual exercise for the Feast of Corpus Christi based on John 6:51-58 St. Ignatius of Loyola explains, “By the term “Spiritual Exercises” is meant every method of examination of conscience, of...
What Does Jesus Teach Us About Healthy Eating? | Luke 9:11-17
One of the best ways to enrich your faith-life is to pray with scripture. A great way of doing this is using the "Lectio Divina"; this is a powerful method which we explain here. We hope that it serves you in your personal prayer and that it serves as a resource that...
Eucharistic Adoration Is Key To Progressing In Your Spiritual Life
Progressing, getting ahead, moving forward, making strides, taking the lead... We live in a society that has an absolute fascination with the forward direction. It's a compliment: "He or she a is a forward-thinker." It's a dream: "To discover the next great leap...
If You Want To Do Something For God, Go To Mass
Father, you want me to be what? A Eucharistic minister? Oh no, Father, I am not worthy! There were my responses – thirteen years ago – when my parish priest approached me to consider serving the People of God as an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist (the more...