Emergency Contact Numbers In The Bible

Emergency Contact Numbers In The Bible

Emergency Contact Numbers In The Bible


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Infographic: The Bible’s Periodic Table from Catholic-Link.org

The Catholic Bible’s Periodic Table

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn The Catholic Bible Periodic Table Catholic Books Of The Bible | Old Testament Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Tobit Judith Esther 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Songs Wisdom […]

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Get To Know The Young People Of The Bible

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The Bible Is The Only Book Where The Author Is In Love With The Reader

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn This post is not an article, but a part of our gallery of images. You can share this image in your social media or you can click the “Download” button and send it to your friends. We only ask you to share it in its original version, without editing it. […]

Catholic The Seven “I AM” Statements of Jesus in John’s Gospel

The Seven “I AM” Statements Of Jesus In John’s Gospel

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn The Seven “I AM” Statements Of Jesus In John’s Gospel Infographic: The seven “I AM” statements of Jesus in John’s Gospel More Resources From John’s Gospel

Emergency Contact Numbers In The Bible Infographic

Emergency Contact Numbers In The Bible

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To Live Is Christ And To Die Is Gain | Philippians 1:21

To Live Is Christ And To Die Is Gain | Philippians 1:21

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“My child, if you aspire to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for an ordeal” (Sirach 2:1)

If You Aspire To Serve The Lord, Prepare Yourself For An Ordeal | Sirach 2:1

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “My child, if you aspire to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for an ordeal” (Sirach 2:1) More Catholic Resources On The Bible

4 Promises Of God We Can Find In The Holy Scriptures

4 Promises Of God We Can Find In The Holy Scriptures

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8 Bible Verses That Remind Us How Much God Loves Us

8 Bible Verses That Remind Us How Much God Loves Us

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Infographic: 8 Bible verses that remind us how much God loves us     15 Catholic Bible Verses You Can Easily Memorize 8 Bible Verses That Inspire Kids To Be Brave “When You Realize The Power Of Your Bible” | A Must Watch Video  

10 Things You Didn't Know About The Bible

10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Bible

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Use these Bible verses to pray when you are tempted to sin. Let the Word of God help you battle against temptation and avoid sin

6 Bible Verses That Will Help You When You’re Tempted

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Warning! The Bible can change your life!

Warning: The Bible Can Change Your Life!

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Warning: The Bible Can Change Your Life!   More Catholic Bible Resources

5 Steps To Pray Through The Psalms

5 Steps To Pray Through The Psalms

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn   5 Steps To Pray Through The Psalms

or God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.1

For God So Loved *Insert Your Name Here*

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn For God So Loved *Insert Your Name Here*   More Bible Verse Images   https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=65U272AM2E6TU&fbclid=IwAR08svT_6EWBGZv2Z_3DgHqpqj9PCUd1YsBHlfGlWV8wv4CIf14GT7tyB1E

sower parable reflection Catholic Gospel of Matthew

Have The Patience Of The Sower | Matthew 13 Reflection

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Gospel of Matthew 13:1-23 On that day, Jesus went out of the house and sat down by the sea.Such large crowds gathered around himthat he got into a boat and sat down,and the whole crowd stood along the shore.And he spoke to them at length in parables, saying:“A sower went […]

What is a digital small group? Why would a Catholic want to join one? Here are five reasons to help you considering being part of a digital

One Way Technology Will Benefit The Catholic Church

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Technology has significantly impacted how people communicate and connect and it will continue to do so in the future. The Catholic Church is not immune to this change, and it has embraced using digital platforms to reach out to its followers. One effective way the Catholic Church can use technology […]

In this Gospel from Matthew we learn a powerful lesson of forgiveness that is good for our our spiritual and mental well-being.

A Powerful Lesson Of Forgiveness Found In The Gospel Of Matthew 18:21-35

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. “Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who […]

The Bible is “living and active” and it can improve your life by reading it as a Catholic. Use these tips to help you understand scripture.

How A Stuffed Animal Taught Me To Read My Bible

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Did you ever have that toy as a child that you took wherever you went? Mine was a stuffed monkey named Mooch.  I don’t know why it was my favorite, but I brought him everywhere for years until I lost it. Needless to say I was a nervous wreck for […]

Christifideles Laici - Join Us As We Study This Important Apostolic Exhortation! We will meet over Zoom to discuss this gift from JPII!

Christifideles Laici – Join Us As We Study This Important Apostolic Exhortation

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn We are all familiar with the dynamics of being part of a family. There are moments of joy and occasional misunderstandings. Some may feel burdened with the majority of responsibilities, while others may feel overlooked and unable to contribute their skills. There are times of distance, but also joyful reunions […]

Catholic Advent Bible Study

Advent Book Study – Join Catholic-Link For A Digital Small Group!

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn I must admit, that patience is not a virtue that comes easily to me. Waiting for something, whether it’s a package from Amazon or standing in line at the grocery store, tends to frustrate me. Even sitting in traffic on the highway can test my patience to its limits. Waiting […]

St. John the Baptist bible study

What St. John The Baptist Teaches Us About Expectations | Catholic Bible Study

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn This is what John the Baptist proclaimed: “One mightier than I is coming after me.I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals.I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” It happened in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and […]

come follow jesus

What Will You Leave Behind To Follow Jesus? | Gospel Reflection

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Gospel of Mark 1:14-20 After John had been arrested,Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God:“This is the time of fulfillment.The kingdom of God is at hand.Repent, and believe in the gospel.” As he passed by the Sea of Galilee,he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting their nets […]

Ever wondered about the questions Jesus asked? Find all of His questions from the Gospel of Matthew on this list. Use them to pray!

The Questions Jesus Asks Us In The Gospel Of Matthew

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn The Word of God is living and effective (Hebrews 4:12)! That means God is speaking to you through Scripture right now. The questions Jesus asked back then are relevant to you today. He’s not just asking Peter or Paul or the Pharisees these questions; in some way, He is also […]

Bible study on the Mass

Join A Catholic Online Small Group On The Mass

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Discover the Beauty, the Riches, and the Profound Meaning of the Mass! Everything we say and do in the Liturgy is steeped in biblical language. “A Biblical Walk Through the Mass” explores the extraordinary biblical roots of the Liturgy and reveals what it all means and why it all matters. […]

When I was a Catholic youth minister there was a glaring hole in Scriptural resources for youth, so I was forced to create my Bible studies

The First Text Message: 5 Ways To Engage Youth With Scripture

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn I had fifty eyes glaring back at me with exhaustion and boredom. It was my first foray into a Catholic middle school classroom as a guest teacher for religion. I was twenty-one years old, relatively “hip” by preadolescent standards, and one week on the job as a new parish youth […]


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