Feminist’s attack on Argentina Cathedral and the Response of Faith (Very Graphic)

by Abortion, Controversial Subjects, Morals & Values, Pro-Life, Sexuality and Chastity, Value of Human Life, World's View

The video speaks for itself. 

The attack took place on Sunday, November 24th, during the National Women’s Encounter, which annually brings together Argentinean feminists who support “women’s rights.” During the attack some men were visibly weeping.

None of them retaliated against the abuses heaped on them. (Read more at Lifesitenews.com)

A few thoughts…

1) We must pray for these woman. Their acts are barbaric, to say the least, and they mock any pretense of tolerance which they so proudly wave as their flag of honor. Nevertheless, we are not to judge, not to hate, not to condemn. “We are all sinners. But God heals us with an abundance of grace, mercy and tenderness.” (Pope Francis)

2) One of the principle battlefields today (and perhaps since the beginning of human life) is the battlefield of ideas: the struggle over whether the human person will continue to be defined and recognized or erased in the dictionary. Whether man will be defined by something greater (God) or be constructed by the wills of the powers that be. This battle, however, goes far beyond academic discussions and peaceful exchanges of differing opinions. Lives are at stake, and what’s more, the definition of human life itself is at stake. How are you as a Christian responding? Do you understand what’s really going on? What’s really at stake?

3)  How must we respond? Absolute conviction sustained by absolute love. When you have encountered He who is the Truth, He becomes the foundation and weight according to which everything else is measured. This is non-negotiable. Still, how we live accordingly and how we express this experience with others will depend on each one of us. Shouting back, responding with violence, clothing ourselves with pride as if we earned the truth that we have received… it does nothing but harm. The response of these men is utterly paradigmatic: the virtues of strength, courage, nobility, and faith took flesh in a special way that evening.

Finally, the idea of posting this video isn’t to flaunt the flaws of those who disagree with us, nor pride ourselves for our own virtue. Rather, the idea is to understand what is at stake, the seriousness of the issues at hand, the level of discord that has been reached. What is needed now, more than ever, is critical thinking, clear and creative explanations, Christians that live real charity with those in need, and, above all, men and women who are willing to step out onto the front line and take what comes at them, no matter what, for love of Christ and his Church.

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