7 Psalms To Pray During Lent

by Catholic Media, Holy Week, Lent, Liturgical Seasons

The Psalms are a wonderful way to pray at any time of year because they truly echo the emotions of the heart and draw us closer to God.

Since the seventh century, it has become a common spiritual practice to pray the seven penitential psalms during Lent. These psalms in particular express sorrow for our sin and remind us of God’s mercy.

After reciting each psalm, pray: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.

7 Psalms To Pray During Lent

1. Psalm 6Domine, ne in furore

Psalm 6 Seven Penitential Psalms



2. Psalm 32Beati quorum

Psalm 32 Seven Penitential Psalms

3. Psalm 38: Domine, ne in furore

Psalm 38 Seven Penitential Psalms

4. Psalm 51: Miserere

Psalm 51 Seven Penitential Psalms


5. Psalm 102: Domine, exaudi

Psalm 51 Seven Penitential Psalms

6. Psalm 130: De profundis

Psalm 130 Seven Penitential Psalms


7. Psalm 143: Domine, exaudi

Psalm 143 Seven Penitential Psalms

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