15 Martyr Saints Who Teach Us How To Carry The Cross With Jesus

by Lent, Meaning of Suffering, Saints

The lives of the saints provide us rich, beautiful sources of instruction in virtue. But there’s a particular heroism to be gleaned from stories of the martyrs.

Today we present 15 saints – some well known, others, more obscure, but all are admirable for a common reason: they succeeded in carrying their cross to the end.

We hope you’ll share this infographic and be fortified by the examples of hope that these holy martyrs give us, especially on this Good Friday.

Let us also keep our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ firmly in our hearts this week, and throughout Eastertide. We who can freely celebrate the Sacred Mysteries without the constant threat of martyrdom must offer our visits to Jesus, and reception of the Holy Eucharist, on behalf of Christians throughout the world who suffer for want of the Sacraments and under constant threat of violence. In solidarity, this post is for them, and we stand in prayer with Christians of Syria, Egypt, throughout Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Kyrie eleison!

God bless you in this time of solemnity!

With love and prayers, the Catholic-Link Team.

15 Martyr Saints

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