How To Find Your Identity In Christ

by Faith & Life, Gospels, Self-Knowledge


It seems like a simple enough question, but when we ask ourselves “who am I” we are often caught off guard and have a difficult time pinpointing an answer.

Why is that? In a world where we are constantly searching for ways to identify ourselves, we are still thrown off by this simple inquiry; however, it does force us to consider what truly defines us.

Cleon Alleyne poses this question in this video and methodically addresses what race through our mind when we contemplate who we are. His ultimate goal though is to help us realize that our true identity is in Christ.



All throughout our lives, we are given labels from the time we are young and then it continues on from there. Whether we are students, graduates, teachers, businessmen, athletes, performers, conservatives, liberals – and the list could go on and on – we have all these identifiers that change as we live our lives. They reflect our occupations or our viewpoints but then it just stops there.

There seems to be no depth to it! In the video, however, it says “How I identify myself determines how I approach life.” The issue with labeling ourselves solely with whatever we are at in a specific time in our life is that we were not made for this world; our ultimate goal is to be united with God eternally in heaven. So if we then identify ourselves as children of God, which is our true identity, we are acknowledging what we were created for and can approach life with the vantage point of knowing that we all are destined for something greater. We may have a specific occupation, but ultimately our identity lies within doing the will of our Father.


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