Three Signs Of The Demonic | Bishop Fulton Sheen

Fr. Dave Tomaszycki talks about the three signs of the demonic and how they manifest in the culture today. He covers more of this topic in his book On the Demonic, which is a compilation of all of the writings of Fulton Sheen on Satan and demonic activity. Bishop Sheen has a fascinating way of discussing the signs of the demonic, shedding light on how the devil operates. One of the devil’s key tactics is to stay hidden or convince people he doesn’t exist. By exposing these tactics, we can become more vigilant and recognize his influence. Here are some key points discussed by Bishop Sheen on identifying the signs of the demonic and understanding their impact.

Three Signs Of The Demonic | Bishop Fulton Sheen

“The devil’s strategy is to twist and pervert, taking us back to a demonic version of the Garden of Eden—one without the cross, filled with lust and destruction.”

Fr. Dave Tomaszycki
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