Drew and Katie Taylor's Author Page

Drew and Katie Taylor

Drew and Katie Taylor

Drew and Katie Taylor

Drew and Katie Taylor are passionate about equipping and training leaders in the New Evangelization through living awesome Catholic lives and providing light and truth to the world. Drew is an Air Force fighter pilot and holds a Master’s in Moral Theology, while Katie is an Air Force veteran and has a Master’s in Marriage and Family Counseling. They have three amazing kids and enjoy rock climbing, skiing, and living the faith to the fullest. Katie and Drew were previous RCIA directors, NFP instructors, and international Catholic speakers. They are currently stationed in Phoenix and love running retreats and Catholic leadership workshops. You can shoot them an email which they’ll read after bedtime at thickerskinsandbiggerhearts@gmail.com. Check out their videos at Catholic Link English Youtube --> Click Here!
Drew and Katie Taylor's Articles:
How Jesus’s Birth Leads The Way To Heaven

How Jesus’s Birth Leads The Way To Heaven

When you rock climb, the routes or ways you get up the wall are called a problem. You spend time trying to solve the problem, figuring out where your hands and feet go to complete the route. When there is a hard problem to solve, I often watch others climb and try to...

How To Seek Truth In Our Day And Age

How To Seek Truth In Our Day And Age

To find truth we have to be willing to train the intellect: https://youtu.be/ALGc1Ah7y0g Neither Drew, nor I grew up as strong practicing Catholics. We did not have Bibles in our childhood homes, night prayers, or a relationship with Jesus in our youth. But we both...

How Can We Pray The Rosary Better?

How Can We Pray The Rosary Better?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYOCaRUgfO0&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0cUEyNgSkGwSNd07JXKiD8wTxnv3L1f8OgsCvRuOzlbKaBlHHbwuK3IT0 Jesus warns us not to pile up empty phrases and babble on (Matt 6:7). Protestants often look at the Rosary and say it is just...

Why Do Catholics Make The Sign Of The Cross?

Why Do Catholics Make The Sign Of The Cross?

The Sign of the Cross is the most common Catholic prayer. We use it at the beginning and end of prayers, in the Mass, when we pass by a Church, cemetery, or abortion clinic, and when we hear an emergency vehicle siren. But do we know that it is a prayer itself? Or...

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