Content Creator Reveals The Truth About Social Media And Marriage

You know, this is an unprecedented movement right now that’s happening, this whole Eucharistic Revival. I think that they’ll encounter Jesus, and that experience alone will be able to change their life.

Katie and Drew had the opportunity to chat with Tanner Kalina, a Catholic actor and content creator who has been featured on Ascension Presents, Halo, and EWTN. In this episode, you’ll hear about his journey to marriage, his thoughts about social media, and his passion for the Eucharist.

Tanner’s Advice For Finding Your Vocation

If you’re single and you’re just dying to get to the next phase, I would say dive into where you’re at because I think I was guilty as charged here. I kind of maybe idealized marriage, thinking that once I get married, then I’ll finally feel comfortable in my own skin or I’ll feel like I made it or I can finally breathe, and that’s just not true. The grass is always greener on the other side, and who you are today and the happiness and the contentedness with life that you have and with the Lord, that’s what you have when you’re married. So get stoked on life now, and then you’ll get even more stoked when you get married or become a priest or religious, whatever.

If you’re engaged, I think something awesome that my wife did is we fasted together during our engagement. We really chose to have engagement as a time to lean in. In our culture, we kind of think engagement is the finish line, you’re good, you made it, you’re basically married, you’re good to go. But the Catholic view of Engagement is it’s a discernment, so we decided to really lean in and the best way to lean in, to amplify your prayers, is through fasting.

So we did this thing I made up, I called it a “fourth cup fast”. You know, like Jesus at his last supper, this is like a whole big theology here, I don’t have time for this, but basically, Jesus abstains from the fourth cup at the Last Supper, you know, he says things like, “I won’t drink this cup anew until I drink it again with you in the Kingdom,” and even he’s offered wine on his way to Calvary, and he refuses it in the Garden of Gethsemane, he’s like, “Lord, let this cup pass from me,” he’s referring to this fourth cup, and then obviously right before he says, “It is finished” on the cross, he drinks wine from the hyssop branch that’s offered up to him, he drinks it new when he’s in the Kingdom of Heaven, essentially. That probably made zero sense, but we took that and applied it to engagement, and we said, “We’re going to give this thing up for the duration of our engagement, and we’ll drink it new when we enter into the kingdom when we get married,” so we gave up alcohol for the duration of our engagement, or at least we tried to, we definitely took advantage of Sundays, and we had a stipulation unless it was a wedding-related event, so sometimes if we were stuffing envelopes or invitations, it was a wedding-related event, but that was powerful, and we were offering that fast up for that to happen at our wedding, for us to have physical healing that we needed for our marriage, and for deeper intimacy with the Lord.

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