The Selfie That Caused $200,000 Worth of Damage

by Faith & Life, Funny, Morals & Values

The artwork of international artist Simon Birch is currently on display at the 14th Factory, a pop-up gallery in Los Angeles. The cutting edge art has drawn quite a crowd because of its Instagram-worthy appeal, but it’s thanks of one tourist’s selfie that a certain display has gone viral.

One of the exhibits included an assortment of crowns placed on pedestals of varying heights that were arranged in rows. When an unidentified woman knelt down to take a selfie, lost her balance, and knocked one of the pedestals backward, it created a domino effect that caused an entire row to fall. Mr. Birch reported that the damage caused to the art was around two-hundred thousand dollars.

Take a look at this Instagram photo of the exhibit before watching the video.

Inside a serene space, singular objects rest on plinths: these are crowns, or at least some resemblance of what a crown might be, presented as precious trophies or boons. The title of this work was inspired by the electronic dance track ‘Hypercaine’ by DJ Fresh. It is also a signifier of the ultimate human drug — power. – Simon Birch, Gloria Yu, Gabriel Chan and Jacob Blizter Brass, nylon, gold plate, marble, wood, stone, metal, 2016 – Customize your own crown ring in nylon, brass, gold-plated brass, silver or gold at the gift shop. Email for details. – #14thFactory #SimonBirch #GloriaYu #Crowns #Hypercaine #ContemporaryArt #DTLA #artsdistrict Photo credit: @kaotikwestcoast

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Selfie Domino

Apostolic Value?

So, why is Catholic-Link sharing a viral video about a selfie gone wrong? This video is a powerful visual that will help us to understand the domino effect of sin in our lives and in the lives of others. The selfie culture in which we live often fails to look beyond “self” and consider how our actions might impact those around us.

When we fall into sin, it doesn’t just hurt us. Often those we love and care about the most are the ones that are greatly impacted by our disobedience. It’s obvious that when we lie, steal, or cheat the person on the receiving end of these things is harmed, but there are other times in which it may be less obvious how our personal sin affects the Church.

Of course, what this poor tourist did was unintentional. She didn’t intend to ruin the artwork and cause thousands of dollars in damage. But, could she have paused for a moment to think about the circumstances? Could she have been more careful and more aware of her surroundings? Could she have taken some precautions that may have prevented the accident?

More To Think About and Discuss

– Do you think about the impact of your sin in the lives of others? How about the impact of the sin of omission (sin that results from a failure to do something)?

– Have you ever experienced this ripple effect of sin, where you were wounded in some way because of the actions of another person?

– How can you work to become more aware of circumstances and consequences?

– What are some tips you can share that help prevent occasions of sin in your own life?

Additional Videos to Raise “Awareness”

Recommended Reading

Teresa Tomeo comments on the selfie culture and provides insights into attaining true happiness in her book, Beyond, Me, My Selfie, and I. (This is an Amazon Affiliate link. Purchases made through this link help to support our ministry. Thank you!)



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