Today we present an incredible video produced by Spirit Juice Studios in partnership with Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit that inspires Catholics to “unleash the Gospel.” The video is inspired by the words of wisdom from the pastoral letter written by the Most Reverend Allen H. Vigneron, Archbishop of Detroit, on Pentecost of 2017. After watching the video, it is imperative that you take a few moments to read this powerful letter.
“No Bystanders”
“Unleash The Gospel” Key Quotes
- “The task of evangelizing is to propose Jesus Christ as the Savior whom God the Father offers to every human being. The new evangelization is not a membership drive, nor is it an effort to shore up a code of conduct. Rather, it is a love affair. All are invited to encounter Jesus and let their hearts be captured by him.”
- “Evangelization leads to the Eucharist, since the Eucharist is the fullness of communion with Jesus and his whole Church. On the other hand, the Eucharist leads to evangelization, since our ability to announce the Gospel springs from the passion and resurrection of Christ which is made present anew in the Eucharist.”
- “Christ’s disciples were never meant to carry out her divine mandate to evangelize on the basis of human resources alone. Christ has endowed his bride with an abundance of supernatural charisms, gifts of the Holy Spirit that equip every member of the body of Christ to do his or her part in bearing witness to Christ and building up the Church.[33] These gifts range from the simple and humble to the extraordinary (Rom 12:6-7; 1 Cor 12). The foundation and standard for using these gifts is always love (1 Cor 13). “
- “An encounter with Jesus is a moment in our lives that has such impact it causes us to change how we live. Once we have encountered Christ, from that point forward we are either all in or all out.”
These quotes are just a taste of the exceptional insight given by Bishop Vigneron in his pastoral letter. Be empowered by the Holy Spirit to “Unleash the Gospel” in your community.
Discussion Questions
- Have you had an encounter with Jesus? How did it change you? Share about that experience.
- What holds you back from evangelizing? How can you work to overcome this?
- What are some of your spiritual gifts? How do you utilize them?
- What inspired you most from the video and the letter?