Prayer For Those Preparing For First Communion
O Jesus, You have loved us with such exceedingly great love as to give us the ineffable gift of the Holy Eucharist, inflame us with a burning zeal to promote Your glory by praying for (your child’s name) to prepare worthily to approach Your holy table for the first time. Protect, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, this young soul from the assaults of evil, strengthen his/her faith, increase his/her love and endow him/her with all the virtues that will make him/her worthy to receive You. Amen.
Saint John the Baptist, forerunner of the Messiah, prepare the way for Jesus in the heart of (your child) Saint Tarcisius, keep safe the children who are making their first Communion.
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Have But One Eucharist | St. Ignatius of Antioch
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What Did Early Christians Believe About The Real Presence In the Eucharist?
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What Happens To Our Bodies When We Receive The Eucharist | St. Irenaeus
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Where Can You Get The Energy Needed To Fight Inner Battles?
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Prayer For Those Preparing For First Communion
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The Eucharist Is The Bread That Gives Strength
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A True Sign Of Unity And A Bond Of Charity
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