(Quiz) What is the Real Story Behind Santa Claus?

by Christmas, Quizzes

Saint Nicholas is not a jolly, chubby man dressed in red who brings gifts and lives in the North Pole.  And while there are many popular versions to his story,  today, we want to introduce you to who this great saint known as “Santa Claus” really was.

This saint was a bishop born in the city of Parara of Licia in an ancient province in Asia Minor.  When he was young, he went on a pilgrimage to Egypt and Palestine.  A little after his return, he was named bishop of Mira, capital of Licia.  He was characterized by his charity and love for children.  During the persecution of Deocletian, Saint Nicholas was sent to prison for faith but was then set free and became a great defender of the faith.

Without further ado, we give you this fun quiz, so we better learn and get back the true meaning of Christmas.

(Quiz) Is Saint Nicholas A Chubby, Jolly Man Dressed In Red Who Lives In The North Pole?

Created by Catholic Link on Dec 19, 2015

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