Your Lord and Savior has been conceived!
Due Date: December 25th
Through the power of the Holy Spirit and the fiat of Mary, the Savior has been conceived. Not only is he fully God, He is now fully man as well. Our Lord has chosen to be incarnated as a human in its most vulnerable state – a “clump of cells”. During the next few weeks, this clump of cells will continue to divide and multiply within Mary’s womb and baby Jesus will develop at a rapid pace.
What to expect this month:
- Disbelief at knowing you are loved so dearly that God Himself took human form at its most vulnerable state in order to save you from your sins.
- Overwhelming joy at the anticipation of the birth of the Savior
Things to do this month to prepare for His birth:
- Go to confession. Try to go to confession at least once a month until Christmas as a surefire way to grow closer to God through these nine months.
- Pray for the unborn. Although Jesus was safe, loved, and protected in His mother’s womb there are many babies in our modern day who are not. Consider spiritually adopting an unborn baby due in December of this year and commit to praying daily for the baby.
“And the word became flesh and dwelt among us.”
John 1:14
Join us as we continue a series of articles on the development of Jesus in the womb from conception to His birth on Christmas Day.