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Growing Daily In Perfection As We Prepare For Lent
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn As Lent draws near, we turn our hearts to Christ’s call to holiness in the Gospels: “You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Mt 5:48). Although our life as Catholics demands that we strive day after day and year after year for this perfection, Lent invites […]
9 Daily Spiritual Practices For Catholics From St. Alphonsus
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn 9 Daily Spiritual Practices For Catholics From St. Alphonsus 1) Short prayers immediately upon rising 2) At least 15 minutes of meditation each day 3) 15 minutes of spiritual reading each day 4) A daily examination of conscience (particularly considering the quality of our prayer) 5) To make a confession […]
In All Things, Be A Man Of Prayer | St. Bonaventure
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “If you would suffer with patience the adversities and miseries of this life, be a man of prayer. If you would obtain courage and strength to conquer the temptations of the enemy, be a man of prayer. If you would mortify your own will with all its inclinations and appetites, […]
6 Things That Happen When You Go To Daily Mass
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “You are what you eat.” This popular phrase is usually related to eating healthy food, but some have raised the question as to whether this applies to eating the Body and Blood of Christ[JR1] . When I first heard someone connect the two several years ago, I wondered if it […]
This Is Your Invitation To Daily Mass
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn When you love someone, you don’t just hang out with them once a week for Friday night dates. You want to be with them, in person, every moment you can. You don’t need entertainment. You don’t always need to understand each other or even say much. You just want to […]
In Spite Of The Small Frustrations Of Daily Life
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Every Christian home should be a place of peace and serenity. In spite of the small frustrations of daily life, an atmosphere of profound and sincere affection should reign there together with a deep-rooted calm, which is the result of authentic faith that is put into practice. St. Josemaria Escriva
The Secret To Receiving A Crown Of Glory By St. Louis De Montfort
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn If you say the Rosary faithfully until death, I do assure you that, in spite of the gravity of your sins you shall receive a never-fading crown of glory. Even if you are on the brink of damnation, even if you have one foot in hell, even if you have […]
Fr. George’s Advice For Making An Examination of Conscience
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Fr. George discusses how to do an examination of conscience to prepare for Confession and how to do an easy daily examen. It can be hard to translate our examination of conscience and share it with a priest to have a good confession. These tips and Catholic resources will help! […]
3 Minute Examination Before Going To Bed
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn 3 Minute Examination Before Going To Bed
5 Steps To Pray Through The Psalms
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn 5 Steps To Pray Through The Psalms
The Daily Becomes Heroic | Married Saints Zelie and Louis Martin Quote
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Let Your Daily Tasks Become Heroic | St. Zelie and St. Louis Martin
A Catholic’s Daily To-Do List
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn A Catholic’s Daily To-Do List To-do list to remain in God More Catholic Resources For Daily Life
What If You Try These Every Day? Give And Give Up
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn What If You Try These Every Day? Give And Give Up More Catholic Resources
What Will You Do In “The Now-Moment”?
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn What Will You Do In “The Now-Moment”? More Bishop Fulton Sheen Quotes
Pope Francis’ 5 Finger Prayer |
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Pope Francis’ 5 Finger Prayer | More Prayer Resources
Review Your Day With These 5 Steps Before Going To Bed
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Review Your Day With These 5 Steps Before Going To Bed More Catholic Resources To Help You Grow In Your Faith
Charge Your Life With Prayer | Catholic Motivation
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10 Ways To Pray | Catholic Inspiration
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn 10 Ways Catholic Can Pray How To Pray A Novena – A Visual Step By Step Guide 50+ Of 2020’s Best Catholic Gifts 7 Postures Of Prayer To Engage Your Mind, Body, And Soul With God
Infographic: 6 Good Reasons To Pray
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn 6 Good Reasons To Pray 5 Habits Of People Who Have A Good Prayer Life How To Pray the Rosary? A Step-By-Step Visual Guide
Infographic: 5 Steps For Daily Examination
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn This post is not an article, but a part of our gallery of images. You can share this image in your social media or you can click the “Download” button and send it to your friends. We only ask you to share it in its original version, without editing it. […]
How To Make A Daily Spiritual Plan In 7 Steps
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn We know what a spiritual life is, but what’s a basic way that we can get a daily spiritual plan going? What does a daily prayer life look like? Fr. Hanley offers tips and basic practices that anyone can use to get started in living a life of prayer. Listen […]
How To Sanctify Your Day | Habits For Holiness
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn So the first principle is simply this: Sanctify your day. Each day, have some time of prayer in the morning. If you’re not praying at all, I would say a minimum of five minutes is a great first step. It might be time to read the Gospel reading of the […]
An Examination Of Conscience Illustrated Guide
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn An Illustrated Guide To Make An Examination Of Conscience 1. Open Yourself Up to God’s Presence Practical tip: find a quiet corner in your home or in a chapel. Having a sacred image in front of you is ideal. Light a candle. Take a few moments to breathe and relax. […]
3 Key Steps To Running A Spiritual Marathon
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Does becoming a saint seem like running a marathon? In our newest video, we talk with Father Conrad Murphy about how the race we are running is a long one, with many highs and lows but this marathon will result in an accomplishment we can not fully imagine. We are […]
One Girl’s Journey To Becoming A Third Order Carmelite
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn It’s been said that we make 35,000 decisions every day. Some decisions are small things like what we want to eat, what time we’ll brush our teeth, and what show we want to watch. Other decisions are more life-changing like choosing a career path, buying a house, saying “yes” to […]