How Does Abortion Look Through The Eyes Of A Child? Touching Responses

by Abortion, Controversial Subjects, Morals & Values, Pro-Life

What do I think about abortion?  I’ve asked myself this question many times…As Catholics we know it’s wrong, but what do we really know about it beyond that and do we truly understand why it’s wrong? I’ve found many people who consider themselves Catholic because they go to Mass but nevertheless justify abortion for different reasons during the initial stages of gestation.  This post is specially directed to these people.

Online for Life presents a simple video in which we hear children’s opinions on the topic.  These children respond with absolute clarity.  They also give their opinion on family and we’re able to see that at an early age the desire to have a family is natural.  And it is so; we were created for love, and love lives only in community with each other. Family is a natural desire.

So what do these children think about abortion?  I’ll share the response that most caught my attention: Question: Would you hurt a baby?  Answer: Why would I hurt [a baby]?  It’s small!

Children Asked About Abortion

This is where everything begins.  Why hurt the smallest of all?  One who doesn’t speak, who doesn’t know what’s going on or why they’re here? Many defenders of abortion claim that a child in the mother’s womb is not a child or a human being; it’s not a baby as these children call them.  This is simply an excuse that justifies and attempts to calm the guilt of murder.  From the moment of conception the characteristics of a human being are defined as they are unique and unrepeatable.  If something will develop into a human being, then it is a human being from the beginning; it can’t be any other way.  It can’t be an elephant or a cat.  It’s a human being, not a bunch of cells that will become the origin of any other thing as they would like to have us believe.

It’s simple; it’s wrong to abort because it threatens the smallest and most helpless of all human beings.  If you feel there is no one to care for your child, be assured there is always someone willing to care for them. (If a child can reach this conclusion, you can too.)  It’s in this sense that we as Christians must act; be that someone else.  We must go out to help the many women and families who have difficult or undesired pregnancies.  We must encounter the women and children who are abandoned.

Talk about abortion.  What is it?  What do I think about it? Why am I against it? What is my place in this fight? These are the questions we must answer with deep conviction and go out to speak and help those who need it.  Let’s not choose to remain ignorant so we don’t have to act.

I think abortion is wrong because we threaten a defenseless being.  I don’t solve anything by ending someone’s life; on the contrary, I will cause them much more damage.  My career, my lifestyle, my time is not more important than someone else’s life.  They are a child of God like me.  Because regardless of how they were conceived, they are my flesh and blood.  Because if money is an issue, someone else may be able to help me.  Because God always provides and protects all of us.  Because before killing someone, I will first give my life.

What do you think about abortion?

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