God invites us to the eternal Bethlehem (St. Josemaria Escriva)

by Saint Quotes

“Look how gently the Lord invites us. His words have human warmth; they are the words of a person in love: “I have called you by your name. You are mine.” God, who is beauty and greatness and wisdom, declares that we are his, that we have been chosen as the object of his infinite love. We need a strong life of faith to appreciate the wonder his providence has entrusted to us. A faith like that of the Magi, a conviction that neither the desert, nor the storms, nor the quiet of the oases will keep us from reaching our destination in the eternal Bethlehem: our definitive life with God.“

St Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, Christ is Passing By, “The Epiphany of the Lord”, 32. 

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