“Drop Box”: Rescuing The Unwanted Babies Of South Korea

by Apostolate, Movie Reviews and Recommendations, Pro-Life, Testimonies, Value of Human Life

In today’s video, 22-year-old film producer Brian Ivee undertakes a new documentary “The Drop Box.”

It recounts the story of a South Korean Pastor Lee Jongrak who decided to do something about the hundreds of unwanted babies that are abandoned on the streets of Seoul, South Korea, every year.

This is the trailer fo the full documentary that is projected to begin distribution later this year.

The Drop Box

A Deeper Look

As Christians, we are called to be sources of reconciliation and love in the society. Doing so requires three things: action, truth, and love to the extreme.

Action: The fact that there are difficulties and injustice is no secret. Yet, too often we allow permit ourselves to rant and rave about society’s problems and never do much about them. Although we may not be the agents, our indifference, and apathy sure to provide a comfortable environment.

Truth: The injustice and wrongdoings of this world must be denounced, even when it hurts or meets with disdain. It is impossible for a wound to heal if it is never uncovered and put under an acute exam.

Love: If we are unwilling to go beyond the moral decrying, no significant change will take place. Even if a law is passed, a regulation modified, or so and so stops because of guilt; we have but touched the surface. The only source of authentic change is creative love. Love that responds not only with justice but with an overabundance of generosity.

This is what we discover in a man such as Pastor Jongrak when he says, “God, I will die for these children.” This conviction lived out in a radical way, has the power to change not only the laws but the hearts of others. 

The greatest force of Christianity is not its “no” to evil, rather its radical “yes” to life. This yes, lived out to the extreme, to death if necessary, following the example of Christ on the Cross, is the one and only answer for authentic and profound transformation.

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