Kevin Vost's Author Page

Kevin Vost

Kevin Vost

Kevin Vost

Dr. Kevin Vost, Psy.D. is the author of twenty books including Aquinas on the Four Last Things, Memorize the Faith! and How to Think Like Aquinas and has taught psychology at Aquinas College in Nashville, Tennessee, the University of Illinois at Springfield, Lincoln Land Community College, and MacMurray College. He is a member of the Research Review Committee for American Mensa, which promotes the scientific study of human intelligence. His newest book is Humble Strength: The Eye-Opening Benefits of Humility (Ascension, 2022).
Kevin Vost's Articles:
How Humility Conquers Pride

How Humility Conquers Pride

Humility is, as it were, a disposition to man’s untrammeled access to spiritual and divine goods.St. Thomas Aquinas  (Summa Theologica, II-II Q. 161. a. 5) St. Thomas Aquinas tells us that pride (superbia in the Latin), “is so-called because a man thereby aims higher...

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