After A Saturday Night At The Bar, He Made Sure His Friends Went To Mass On Sunday

by Catholic Media, Faith & Life, Family, Outstanding Initiatives

The beautiful story of Joe Reali has been featured in Everyday Heroes, a new video mini-series produced by the Knights of Columbus. Joe’s life is an inspiration to Catholics young and old. He lived his faith to the fullest each day with zeal and passion for God. Many compare him to Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati because he possessed similar qualities to the young man on the path to sainthood.

Everyday Heroes: Joe Reali

“I have no doubt in my mind that God and Jesus Christ do exist and are really present in the Mass.” – Joe Reali

Many who knew Joe knew God because of his witness to the faith. He was a natural evangelist who led Bible studies, invited friends of all faiths to Mass, and used his athletic talent to spread the Gospel. Joe served the Church as an altar server and trained others to do the same.

In a world lacking heroes full of virtue and strength, we need to share stories of young people like Joe Reali. Joe demonstrated that the time to live for God is now. Though it is difficult to think about, we are not promised tomorrow. Each day is a gift from God and must be lived to show His glory.

Please say a pray for the Reali family today. Though they are confident that Joe is with God in heaven now, it is never easy to tragically lose a family member so full of joy and love.

Discussion Questions

  1. What inspires you most about the life of Joe Reali?
  2. Why is it important to share stories about young people like Joe?
  3. If you knew you would die tomorrow, how would you live today?
  4. In what ways do you serve and honor God with your gifts and talents?


More “Everday Heroes” will be featured in the Knights of Columbus series. Get more information here.

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