24 Bible Quotes For When You Need To Find Peace In Your Life

by Evangelization, Faith & Life

St. Paul writes Hebrews that ‘the word of God is alive and active’ (Hebrews 4:12) and this is still true even in our darkest moments of pain and confusion. The Bible can provide us the answers and the comfort that we are seeking.

Whatever you are going through, if you are searching for peace, here are 24 Bible quotes to help remind you that you are not alone. We invite you to read them slowly, and stay with just one or two that speak to you. Look them up in your own Bible and read the other words around them too.

Know that God has something very personal and unique to say to you, about your situation, in them. And know that we are praying for you too.

24 Bible Quotes for When You Need to Find Peace 

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