How To Pray With Catholic Kids
Today, we want to share a simple and easy bedtime prayer routine that anyone can incorporate into their family life.
Bedtime can be a challenging time, and we understand the struggle of balancing the angelic reverence of your children with the reality of their energy. So, let’s dive into what works for our family and might work for yours, too.
We’ve designated a special space in our home for bedtime prayers. It’s a cozy corner with a rug and a cross – simplicity at its best. Full disclosure, the furniture had to go due to some sibling disputes, and yes, there’s some rolling around and kicking during prayer time.
As the kids are ready for bed, teeth brushed and in their PJs, we gather in this special space. We start by asking each child what they want to pray for, allowing them to express their intentions. Each child then gets to pick a prayer to lead.
Following the prayers, I usually read a quick children’s Bible story and a brief Saint story. It doesn’t have to take long – simplicity is key. Our kids range from one to seven years old, and we adapt the routine accordingly.
We find value in incorporating scripture and the lives of the Saints into our routine. Depending on the book we use, we sometimes align the Saints with the feast of the day. We’ll recommend some children’s Bibles and Saint books that we’ve found enjoyable.
Father Patrick Peyton’s quote, “The family that prays together stays together,” rings true for us. Instead of overwhelming formal prayers, we’ve discovered that asking our children what they want to pray for and sharing a prayer together is powerful and meaningful. It takes just five minutes – a small investment for a big impact.
For those desiring a family rosary, consider incorporating it as your kids lay down for bed. We’ve found success with a black screen rosary on YouTube, allowing our kids to fall asleep peacefully during the process.
Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to prayer routines. If you have your own routines, share them with us in the comments below. We encourage you to give this simple bedtime prayer routine a try, and most importantly, know that we are praying for you and your family.
May your bedtime prayers bring peace and blessings to your homes!
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