What's The Chosen? The Chosen is the first multi-season television series about the life of Christ, as witnessed through the eyes of those He impacted. Directed by Dallas Jenkins (The Resurrection of Gavin Stone) and distributed by VidAngel Studios, The...
“The Kids Are Alright” – Could There Really Be A Catholic Show On Network TV?
"The Kids Are Alright" is a new sitcom on ABC that is somewhat inspired by the childhood of writer and producer Tim Doyle. The show takes place in the 1970s and tells the story of the Clearys, an Irish-Catholic family with eight boys. Check out the official trailer...
Television: You are what you see?
The scene is a perfect illustration of what I would like to say: all of the trash that we watch on television isn’t inoffensive; it hurts us personally and, even worse, hurts us as a family. Those who believe that the advertisements, the series and the movies that we...
New Year’s Resolution: Get Off the Drug of Television.
Today's video was inspired by the Todd Alcott poem, Television. Going on around us is an absolutely colossal struggle for your attention. The contents offered, in the end, matter little. The main goal is the eyes (or clicks in the case of the internet). Some think...