Watch and marvel as this artist meticulously restores a 150-year-old beautiful painting of Our Lady. Julian Baumgartner of the Baumgartner Fine Art Restoration in Chicago masterfully uses techniques that will allow this painting to be preserved for another 150 years....
I Love The Catholic Church, I Hate Sexual Abuse: A Seminarian’s Response To Scandal
Anyone who has heard the recent news coming out of the Catholic Church in Pennsylvania is rightfully outraged. It wasn’t just that possibly thousands of people were sexually abused, but what’s especially revolting is the way these perpetrators exploited their...
Catholic Artisans, The Restoration Of Sacred Art, And How Beauty Will Save The World
Does a beautiful Church building matter to Christians? What about adornments like statues, altar rails, decorative pews and such? Stained glass... Stations of the Cross... the placement and design of the Tabernacle... If God is everywhere, especially in the humble and...