For some reason, family prayer can be difficult. Carving out time in a day and gathering everyone into the same room seems particularly hard. It was hard when my wife Ashley and I had only three kids. It seems perfectly impossible now with sixteen. But even in the...
catholic parents
What Can Catholic Parents Learn About Prayer From Contemplative Nuns?
Occasionally, when I am feeling particularly adventurous, I load up the minivan and bring my five kids (eight and under) to the nearby Benedictine monastery for one of their hours of sung prayer. It is a little monastery, and when we go, we outnumber the nuns...
Christmas Chaos And Connecting With Christ: 5 Tips To Keep Your Sanity And Still Make Mass Meaningful
If there is one thing every Catholic knows, it’s that Christmas Mass is one of most chaotic Masses of the year. Often the parking lot is overflowing and the pews are jam-packed with people. Not to mention the sheer madness that can ensue when trying to get everyone...
Practical Ways To Teach Your Child How To Identify The Truth
The act of thinking is in a bit of a predicament these days. American culture has never cared less about what has been known for millennia as "objective truth." Despite the apathy, an objective truth still guides and directs reality, whether I or anyone else cares...
Should Catholics Implement Gentle Parenting?
When I was posed this question, I didn’t understand it at first. Not because I didn’t know what gentle parenting was. Before my baby was even old enough to have a tantrum, I had over-read and over-researched and exhausted myself reading the least scary parenting...
When Should Parents Start Teaching Theology Of The Body To Their Children?
Parents often wonder when they should begin teaching the Theology of the Body (TOB) to their children…the answer is: In the womb! Yes, that means talking to your unborn child who begins to hear and recognize voices—your body matters to the unborn child. “The Body...
How Much Tech Is “Too Much” For Your Kids? 5 Ways To Tell (And 5 Ways To Fix It)
As Millennial parents, my husband and I have grappled with the issue of moderating screen time for ourselves and our children. Whether we want to admit it or not, the technology is inescapable, but that’s all the more reason to take seriously our responsibility to...
How Prayer Changes When You Become A Parent
I don’t have time to pray I have almost always struggled to feel like I pray “enough.” Believe it or not, the last time that I could definitively say that I didn’t struggle with that was before I had kids. I have 5 kids now and we also have some neurodiversity in the...
Top 3 Ways I Failed As A Catholic Father
I didn’t sign up to screw up my kids. Fatherhood was going to be GREAT - adventures, hugs, and giving better than I got. 27 years, 10 kids, 6 months of couple's counseling and 1 year of Catholic psychotherapy later, it's the...
The Catholic Baby Book All Parents Will Love | Book Review
A book with all the milestones you’d want as a Catholic parents? Impossible, you say… But, it does exist, thanks to Kate from Thy Olive Tree! It can be overwhelming how many milestones, photos, and memories you want to record for your children. You could fill in a...