While the crowd was pressing in on Jesus and listeningto the word of God,he was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret.He saw two boats there alongside the lake;the fishermen had disembarked and were washing their nets.Getting into one of the boats, the one belonging to...
bible study
New CL Connect Group Study: When You Pray
A Clear Path to a Deeper Relationship with God You know prayer is important but still find it challenging. Perhaps it’s hard to find time, or you’re unsure what to do when you pray. Or maybe you feel discouraged by your weaknesses and your inability to overcome them....
Get Behind Me, Satan! | Reflection On These Jarring Words Of Jesus
Sunday Gospel Jesus and his disciples set outfor the villages of Caesarea Philippi.Along the way he asked his disciples,"Who do people say that I am?"They said in reply,"John the Baptist, others Elijah,still others one of the prophets."And he asked them,"But who do...
The First Text Message: 5 Ways To Engage Youth With Scripture
I had fifty eyes glaring back at me with exhaustion and boredom. It was my first foray into a Catholic middle school classroom as a guest teacher for religion. I was twenty-one years old, relatively “hip” by preadolescent standards, and one week on the job as a new...
The Old Testament And Mary, The Mother Of The Messiah
On the path that led to the Old Testament Although I am now a joyfully practicing Catholic, for nearly thirty years of my adult life, I lived as an evangelical Protestant. It was during those years that love of Scripture became the engine of my spiritual...
The Questions Jesus Asks Us In The Gospel Of Matthew
The Word of God is living and effective (Hebrews 4:12)! That means God is speaking to you through Scripture right now. The questions Jesus asked back then are relevant to you today. He’s not just asking Peter or Paul or the Pharisees these questions; in some way, He...
Join A Catholic Online Small Group On The Mass
Discover the Beauty, the Riches, and the Profound Meaning of the Mass! Everything we say and do in the Liturgy is steeped in biblical language. “A Biblical Walk Through the Mass” explores the extraordinary biblical roots of the Liturgy and reveals what it all means...
What Will You Leave Behind To Follow Jesus? | Gospel Reflection
Gospel of Mark 1:14-20 After John had been arrested,Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God:"This is the time of fulfillment.The kingdom of God is at hand.Repent, and believe in the gospel." As he passed by the Sea of Galilee,he saw Simon and his brother...
What St. John The Baptist Teaches Us About Expectations | Catholic Bible Study
This is what John the Baptist proclaimed: “One mightier than I is coming after me.I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals.I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” It happened in those days that Jesus...
Advent Book Study – Join Catholic-Link For A Digital Small Group!
I must admit, that patience is not a virtue that comes easily to me. Waiting for something, whether it's a package from Amazon or standing in line at the grocery store, tends to frustrate me. Even sitting in traffic on the highway can test my patience to its limits....
How A Stuffed Animal Taught Me To Read My Bible
Did you ever have that toy as a child that you took wherever you went? Mine was a stuffed monkey named Mooch. I don’t know why it was my favorite, but I brought him everywhere for years until I lost it. Needless to say I was a nervous wreck for a few weeks after...
Christifideles Laici – Join Us As We Study This Important Apostolic Exhortation
We are all familiar with the dynamics of being part of a family. There are moments of joy and occasional misunderstandings. Some may feel burdened with the majority of responsibilities, while others may feel overlooked and unable to contribute their skills. There are...
A Powerful Lesson Of Forgiveness Found In The Gospel Of Matthew 18:21-35
The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. “Therefore,...
One Way Technology Will Benefit The Catholic Church
Technology has significantly impacted how people communicate and connect and it will continue to do so in the future. The Catholic Church is not immune to this change, and it has embraced using digital platforms to reach out to its followers. One effective way the...
Have The Patience Of The Sower | Matthew 13 Reflection
Gospel of Matthew 13:1-23 On that day, Jesus went out of the house and sat down by the sea.Such large crowds gathered around himthat he got into a boat and sat down,and the whole crowd stood along the shore.And he spoke to them at length in parables, saying:"A sower...
How The Letter Of Saint James Guides Your Speech (And Heart)
The Sacred Scriptures contain truth and wisdom from God. These truths are eternal and ever relevant— and practical. When you live in accordance with the Word of God everything in your life is ordered. This doesn’t mean you will be free of struggles and suffering....
Catholic Resources For Discipleship And Small Groups
Discipleship is key to evangelization. As Fr. George puts it, "Mass is where the meat is" and oftentimes this is a hard place for people to START their relationship with God. As a result, we need to be inviting people into a relationship with Christ and helping build...
What Do Catholics Need To Know About Reading The Bible?
What is the Bible? What is the Bible? Where did it come from? The Bible is not one book. It is a library. It is 73 books consisting of various literary genres. There is history, romance, poetry, inspiration, drama, and so much more. In every single page, we believe...
Do Smartphones Promote Dumb Disciples? Mark 4: 26-34
Groceries such as Whole Foods online are instantaneous. Gardens are not. Gardens are progressive. We scatter seeds and as we sleep they sprout and grow. Groceries market the obvious by deploying dye or colored lights to make produce more noticeable. Gardens do not....
Seriously. How Do I Pray With Scripture?
When I think of prayer, I often picture myself sitting there, asking for answers, waiting, and trying to hear or see a reply. Or maybe I am on the run and throw out a quick thank you, help me with x please, or a prayer for a friend's request. But in reality, what...
Hallow Plus GIVEAWAY! Enter Here
You're going to be hearing a lot about Hallow over the next few weeks. We've just launched a partnership with this revolutionary Catholic prayer and meditation app and we're so excited to share how we've been growing spiritually because of it with you. Katie and Drew...
8 Bible Verses That Inspire Kids To Be Brave
These days, we all need a little extra help finding our brave. Teach your children that when fear surrounds us, we can look to the Word of God to find our strength. Pray these scripture verses together as a family and work together to memorize them. 8 Bible Verses...
5 Habits Of People Who Have A Good Prayer Life
Some of the most frequent questions we get at Catholic-Link are about prayer. Our readers want to know: How Do I Pray? When Should I Pray? What Can I Do To Improve My Prayer Life? We have a library of resources for you on prayer to help answer those questions,...
Tools for the Mission | Liturgy Live 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week Fr Ian and Alanna discuss the connections within the Sunday readings. Ezra was a leader in the spiritual revival of Jerusalem after the time of Exile, Nehemiah was the governmental leader who came in and built up the protections for the people. Ezra was...
4 Practical Ways to Stay Connected to Jesus
1. Build a Daily Practice of Prayer (even if it means praying in the bathroom) Prayer is simply a conversation with Jesus. Of course, formal times of prayer are spiritually beneficial, however, daily life can sometimes make them impossible. While a simple chat with...