See That Tiny Hand? Meet Walter, Born At 19 Weeks, He Lived A Beautiful, Yet Brief, Life.

by Abortion, Pro-Life, Value of Human Life

Born at only 19 weeks, Walter Joshua Fretz lived a brief but beautiful life. His mother Lexi writes on her blog: “*Please be advised that the photos in this post are emotionally hard to handle. I believe they are beautiful and shows that at 19 weeks my child was fully formed. I do not want anyone to be upset with what they see. You should view them before showing them to a child because they will bring up a lot of questions.”  The original images, together with a blog post which we will be sharing here, can be found here.

“I have gotten messages from people all around the country who have experienced a loss or were just touched by his story. I’ve even had a few people tell me that they were able to use his photos to reach out to a hurting woman who was contemplating an abortion. Just because the child within cannot be seen by us does not mean that he is a blob of cells. Walter was perfectly formed and very active in the womb. If he had just a few short more weeks he would have had a fighting chance at life.” -Lexi



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