In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob is back after his technical difficulties! In this episode, he discusses the life of St. Clare of Assisi and her impact on St. Francis.
Listen to the previous episode where Fr. Rob is joined by Melissa Kirking, an author and expert on how to bring Children to Adoration, to discuss her new book, Jesus and Me: Talking with My Greatest Friend, and the importance of bringing children to Adoration and to teach children prayers and means of communicating with Jesus.
Everyone knows St. Francis and most people probably know that St. Clare worked closely with St. Francis. However, as Fr. Rob explains, many may not know that St. Clare provided support to St. Francis in a truly unique way. Many times, saints come off with these “crazy” tendencies in order to look less holy. St. Philip Neri, for example, would shave only half of his face. St. Francis had similar tendencies where he tied himself to a donkey, removed his clothes, and allowed the donkey to drag him through the streets of Assisi–pretty intense to say the lease. Fr. Rob explains that St. Clare helped tame some of those quirks of St. Francis.
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