Habits for Holiness with Fr. Mark-Mary Ames of the CFRs

Catholic-Link Podcast
Catholic-Link Podcast
Habits for Holiness with Fr. Mark-Mary Ames of the CFRs

Join Drew and Katie Taylor as they interview Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR about his new book on holiness!!! Get your copy here ➡️ https://ascensionpress.com/products/h…

In his new book Habits for Holiness: Small Steps for Making Big Spiritual Progress, Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR, takes 800 years of Franciscan spiritual wisdom and extracts ”small steps” that can lead anyone—especially laypeople—to great holiness. Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, Director of Communications for the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (known affectionately as “the CFRs”), is well-known for his videos on the popular Ascension Presents YouTube channel. This is his first book with Ascension, the leader in faith formation. “Instead of encouraging people to exit the chaos of the world and tune out, we share the Franciscan rule of practical and proven steps of how to lean in and to cultivate their daily life into fertile soil for the spiritual life,” Fr. Mark-Mary explains.

Throughout the past year, and especially now during Lent, many people are reevaluating their spiritual priorities. The daily pursuit of holiness may seem daunting, but putting God first provides peace of heart and clarity along the path to sanctity and eternal life. The tools outlined in Habits for Holiness are drawn from the CFR charism and spirituality. The book’s chapters model the pillars of CFR religious life: prayer, fraternal life, evangelization, and service to the poor.

The Book

The book has a particular appeal to Catholics in the current Lenten season. Habits for Holiness: Small Steps for Making Big Spiritual Progress coaches readers how to: ● Run the “marathon” of life with spiritual nourishment ● Make prayer the center of daily life through a quick “3×5 examen” ● Create a strong and faithful Catholic culture within a family ● Foster growth through recreation, exercise, proper rest, and healthy eating ● Serve and love the poor through personal encounters and small sacrifices


Fr. Mark-Mary’s article on Catholic-Link.org here 👇 https://catholic-link.org/how-to-sanc… https://catholic-link.org/3-ways-inte…


Follow Fr. Mark-Mary and the CFRs at: https://www.franciscanfriars.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/friarsofther… Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cfr_francis…

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Timecodes 00:00 Intro 01:30 Fr. Mark-Mary’s Testimony 05:54 The Inspiration for the Book 08:08 Strategy for Holiness 15:12 Feeding your spiritual life 25:51 How to minimize distractions in prayer 28:12 The Family Will Save the World 39:07 Living in Community 44:51 A Call to Serve the Poor 50:58 How do you spread the Gospel as a teenager?


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