Lisa Cotter sits down with Drew and Katie Taylor to talk about her new book, Reveal the Gift: Living the Feminine Genius. ➡️ https://ascensionpress.com/products/r… or at https://amzn.to/3uS30Eb
In the interview, they talk to Lisa Cotter feminine genius author about the beauty of the gifts of women. Lisa Cotter explains the Catholic teaching on women, utilizing the wisdom of JPII feminine genius teaching and Catholic feminity. She uses incredible stories of the Saints to reveal the feminine genius characteristics with practical ideas on how to protect and live out Catholic feminist teachings within today’s culture, as Catholic moms, Catholic singles, and just Catholic women!
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More about this episode
#FeminineGenius #LisaCotter #RevealTheGift What is the feminine genius? What did John Paul II feminine genius teachings mean for Catholic women? What does the Catholic church teach about women? Can you be a Catholic feminist? What is a Catholic feminist? How does someone live out Catholic feminity? How do we do the whole womanhood thing as a Catholic mom, Catholic single, Catholic young adult, or in general as a Catholic woman? Lisa Cotter Catholic author and author answers all this and more! She has spoken at FOCUS: Fellowship of Catholic University Students Seek Conference, Steubenville Conferences and is featured on Ascension Presents as well as many other places speaking on Catholic feminity. Lisa Cotter’s new book Reveal the Gift utilizes feminine genius JP II teachings to explain 8 feminine genius qualities to understanding femininity!
***QUESTION of the DAY – What was your biggest takeaway from the podcast?