In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss how the season of Advent is a preparation to celebrate the birth of Christ. One means of preparation for the Solemnity could be to practice fasting. Fr. Rob makes the distinction between the East’s and West’s view of fasting. St. Basil gave advice for those who are fasting and someone prepares a meal for them. He advises that the person should eat what is in from of them, but not eat to their fill.
In the western churches, fasting is viewed as a penance for our sins or a kind of sorrow to make up for what faults we’ve done. In the East, the emphasis is more so on that fasting is a preparation to partake in the Heavenly mysteries. Fasting should also be accompanied with prayer and almsgiving. What small thing can we add to our spiritual daily routine to help our relationship with Christ during Advent to help us prepare for his birth?
Listen to the previous episode where Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discussed some tips and things to be aware of when having conversations about sensitive issues. Prudence is a key virtue in this regard. Firstly, it’s important to discern if the topic in question is a topic we are qualified to address. If we chime in just so our voices are heard, we should do some deeper reflection into our motives. We want to be authoritative on the subject. Secondly, using prudence to determine our timing. There are certain issues that may always be difficult to broach, but having the correct timing helps mitigate negative responses and helps form a charitable conversation built upon our eternal salvation. Then, finally, not allowing our anger take hold. Sometimes we can grow angry with a conversation and being aware of that can inform how to best move forward. Fr. Rob and Fr. George offer more concrete advise and tips. Through all these steps, one needs prudence.
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