Clement XI: The War of Spanish Succession, Jansenism (again), and the Controversy about Chinese Rites.
In this episode of Habemus Papam, Fr. Conrad discusses Clement XI, who succeeded Innocent XII: Last Papal beard and an end to nepotism. You can listen to the podcast about him here.
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Born Giovanni Francesco Albani in 1649 in Urbino to the Albani family, a distinguished family in central Italy. He received his education at Collegio Romano in Rome from 1660 onwards. He became proficient in Latin and earned a doctorate in canon and civil law.
Pope Alexander VIII made him a Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Aquiro in 1690. He received the sacrament of Holy Orders in September 1700 and celebrated his first Mass in Rome on October 6, 1700.
Pope Innocent XII died in 1700 and a conclave ensued. He hesitated, but ultimately accepted the election on December 8, 1700 and took the name Clement XI.
After his election, the War of the Spanish Succession started and he issued papal bull Unigenitus in response to the Jansenist heresy in 1713.
Clement XI died in Rome on March 19, 1721 and Innocent XIII succeeded him.