In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George to discuss some traditions one can incorporate this Advent to help prepare our hearts and homes for the coming of the Christ child at Christmas. Fr. Rob says we first need an Advent Wreath and we must secondly light it. Advent symbolizes the darkness of the world before Jesus’ coming. In the northern hemisphere, this time of year is also the darkest. By lighting our Advent wreath, we are expressing our hope for the coming of Christ who dispels all darkness. As Christmas approaches we light more candles. Next, Fr. Rob and Fr. George emphasize a Marian devotion because Mary embodies perfectly the anticipation of Christ and a complete giving of herself. They suggest honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe on her feast day, December 12th with a bouquet of flowers.
Previous Episode
Listen to the previous episode where. Fr. Rob, Fr. George, discussed The Three Comings of Christ to reflect on during Advent. The three comings of Christ are: 1) Christ’s birth at Christmas, 2) Christ’s coming into our hearts and souls every day, and 3) Christ’s coming at our death and at the end of time. Advents preparation for Christmas plainly understood.
Even Christ’s coming at our death and at the end of time is easily understood in context of the readings and practices. Christ who comes into our hearts and souls on a daily basis need to be understood better. This requires a true spirit of repentance that our faith and the Advent season calls us to. What separates us from allowing Christ to enter our hearts is our own sin. Fr. Rob and Fr. George encourage all their listeners to take up penitential practices this lent to allow Christ to enter our hearts more fully.
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