Should Catholics do yoga? This is a hotly debated question that provokes a wide variety of answers, ranging from people who are unconvinced that Christians have any worries whatsoever to those who are concerned that specific movements may open a door to the demonic....
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Karen Barbieri
Karen Barbieri
Founder of Pietra Fitness Karen Barbieri understands the pain and challenges of a weakening foundation and the freedom and joy that comes with one built on stone.
After the birth of her fourth child, Karen experienced debilitating back pain that doctors tried everything to relieve. But nothing brought the healing she desperately needed.
At the suggestion of a friend, Karen tried exercising with a video of yoga stretches that was devoid of any spirituality. Due to concerns with its spiritual philosophies, Karen had always avoided yoga; however, she was surprised to find the movements familiar from her childhood years of cheerleading and acrobatics. Soon, the stretches began to ease her pain, allowing her to walk more easily and serve her family.
She opened each workout session with a prayer and found that this time not only strengthened her body, but the addition of Christian meditation connected her soul to God.
She felt called to share this physically and spiritually enriching program with others, especially with those looking for a way to glorify God as an integrated person. Body and soul unified as they were created to be.
To more fully develop this Catholic alternative to yoga, Karen needed to learn to teach the physical postures that she used to find healing and to research the spiritual roots of the practice.
So, in 2008, with the permission and guidance of her spiritual director and a holy priest knowledgeable on the spiritual roots of yoga, Karen received a yoga certification. Throughout her training, she maintained close instruction from her spiritual director to help her discernment and to keep her faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
The certification process not only allowed her to study the physical benefits of the postures but also to examine the ways in which the New Age movement heavily influences yoga. This training made more clear all the ways that yoga philosophies conflict with Christian teachings, allowing her to utilize this knowledge when developing the program, which specifically leaves out practices that oppose the faith.
Karen began to teach this new program at a local wellness center, where she was met with great enthusiasm and gratitude from Catholics and non-Catholics alike. People not only felt stronger, but more at peace. Then, after receiving the approval and support from two Archbishops, Pietra Fitness was born.
Pietra Fitness now offers in-person instruction as well as online classes for every fitness level. Each class is taught by qualified leaders trained in strengthening techniques, Church teachings, and Christian meditation using the teachings of St. Teresa of Avila.
This unique workout grew from the call to glorify God with body and soul into an enriching fitness program with faith always at its core.
Consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pietra Fitness strives to build up the Cathedral of You by giving you a strong foundation to stand on.
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