Julie Radachy's Author Page

Julie Radachy

Julie Radachy

Julie Radachy

Julie Radachy is a consecrated virgin in the Diocese of Knoxville, Tennessee, and is an active member of the United States Association of Consecrated Virgins. Julie holds a Ph.D. in Education and loves wearing many different hats as an educator, but one of her favorites is serving as a catechist. When she’s not working or volunteering at the parish or at the local horse rescue, you will often find her spending time with her dogs, cats, birds, and horse; playing the organ and piano; knitting; reading; and, of course, writing.
Julie Radachy's Articles:
12 Ways A Woman Can Be Full Of Grace

12 Ways A Woman Can Be Full Of Grace

“Hail Mary, full of grace.” We often repeat these words as part of the prayer for many different daily devotionals, such as the Angelus, the Rosary, and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. When applied to the Blessed Mother, it is easy to see how she is full of grace, but have...

6 Things That Happen When You Go To Daily Mass

6 Things That Happen When You Go To Daily Mass

“You are what you eat.” This popular phrase is usually related to eating healthy food, but some have raised the question as to whether this applies to eating the Body and Blood of Christ[JR1] . When I first heard someone connect the two several years ago, I wondered...

What Do Catholics Do On Spy Wednesday?

What Do Catholics Do On Spy Wednesday?

“I spy with my little eye…a dandelion!” my tiny voice would say with excitement as my mom and I would play the “I Spy” game. This game was a joy-filled way to notice the wonderful gifts that God has given us. While this type of spying was always fun, “Spy Wednesday”...

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