Children’s Literature is my preferred reading diet. It is no easy task to keep a child engaged. Their minds wander easily. They can see through facades of boorishness and sermonizing. But every now and then, an author crafts a tale that is the perfect blend of drama,...
Jessica Thornton's Author Page
Jessica Thornton
Jessica Thornton
Content Manager, Catholic Ventures
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Jessica who loved books. Her very first job at the age of 16 was at her public library. As an adult, she tried grown-up books but did not care for most of them. She has read thousands of books to her children, herself, and to the many patrons of libraries where she has worked and volunteered through the years. Jessica also read and reviewed children’s books on her blog for ten years. The blog still exists at Jessica Thornton is currently living happily ever after in great, big Texas, with her great, big family.
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