A young woman who is about to enter into Holy Matrimony is often tense about establishing a good relationship with her in-laws and with her mother-in-law in particular. In some parts of the world, you live with your in-laws after marriage. But even if you don't, as is...
Fr. Joshan Rodrigues's Author Page
Fr. Joshan Rodrigues
Fr. Joshan Rodrigues
When War is OK: Church Teaching on Just War and the Use of Force
On a recent trip to DC, I had the privilege of visiting Arlington National Cemetery where, I've been told, more than 400,000 war veterans are laid to rest. I had seen images of the place in movies and pictures, but standing there physically took my breath away and...
Playing With Pornography: 6 Practical Steps To Help You Stop
Saint Pope John Paul II once made this memorable comment on Pornography, "the problem with pornography is not that it shows too much of the person, but that it shows far too little." We live in society where sex sells. Models, showing too much sex appeal and wearing...
Bored At Mass? These Tips Will Help You Make The Most Of The Eucharist
One of the most common refrains I hear from young people is 'Mass is boring. Homilies are boring. I don't know why I have to come Sunday after Sunday.' Some of my youth in the rear pews would be distracted on their phones during Mass. When I asked them once what they...