Drew and Katie Taylor sit down with Father Boniface Hicks, OSB to discuss Fr Boniface’s book Through the Heart of Saint Joseph. A gift to the Catholic Church in the year of St Joseph, it teaches us how to pray through the heart of St. Joseph. Building upon the Benedict Option, Fr. Boniface highlights the Saint Joseph Option. This episode discusses cultivating interior silence, learning to value the hidden life, what is true masculinity, how St Joesph veiled the Holy Family and specifically veiled Mary from the Devil. This video discusses with Father Boniface prayer and intimacy with Jesus, teaching us how to pray. Additionally, they answer why did St Joesph want to leave or quietly divorce Mary and so much more!
Looking for a book to dive deep in a relationship with St Joseph, for the Year of Saint Joseph? Check out Father Boniface Hicks’ new book, “Through the Heart of St. Joseph” Here → https://stpaulcenter.com/product/thro…
Join Drew and Katie Taylor as they interview Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB, as they talk about the St Joseph Option and how to make your home more like that of the Holy Family in Nazareth. The year of Saint Joesph invites us to meet St. Joesph in our prayer as we grow in intimacy with Jesus.
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LINKS Buy Through the Heart of Saint Joseph: https://stpaulcenter.com/product/thro…
Check out Fr Boniface here: http://www.fatherboniface.org/wordpre…
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